Not now, not ever report
On 28 February 2015, the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland provided the Premier with their Not now, not ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland report (the report).
The report made 140 recommendations based on the insights gathered from 5 months of engagement with communities and individuals. The recommendations set the vision and direction for Queensland’s strategy to end domestic and family violence (DFV) and ensure those affected have access to safety and support.
Read the full report:
- Volume 1: Report and recommendations (PDF)
- Volume 2: The appendices
- Appendix 1: Terms of reference for the Premier’s Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence (DOCX)
- Appendix 2: Approach of the Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence (DOCX)
- Appendix 3: Tell the Taskforce: Domestic and family violence survey (DOCX)
- Appendix 4: Research report on community focus groups prepared by Enhance Research (PDF)
- Appendix 5: 2010 Review of domestic and family violence legislation in Queensland (DOCX)
- Appendix 6: Jurisdictional analysis of the justice response to domestic and family violence in Australia (DOCX)
- Appendix 7: Memorandum of Advice to the Taskforce from Crown Law (PDF)
- Appendix 8: References (DOCX).
Queensland Government response
On 18 August 2015, the Premier released the Queensland Government response to the report, accepting all 121 of the Special Taskforce’s recommendations directed at government, and supporting the 19 recommendations directed at non-government bodies.
Read the Queensland Government Response to the report and implementation plan (PDF).
The Domestic and family violence prevention strategy 2016–2026 (PDF) or (DOCX) and supporting action plans provide the framework for taking strong, positive and coordinated action to better support people affected by DFV and collaborate with the community to ensure sustainable changes are made.
Queensland Government delivers on all recommendations
On 24 October 2019, the Premier announced that all 140 recommendations in the report have been delivered. This is a major milestone in addressing the prevention and response to DFV in Queensland.
The Delivery of recommendations—Not now, not ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland report (PDF) provides a snapshot of the activities undertaken to implement the recommendations.
Key achievements from the implementation of the recommendations include:
- the establishment of permanent specialist DFV courts
- funding of 7 new DFV shelters
- implementation of high-risk teams in key regional areas such as Ipswich, Cairns and Brisbane
- legislative changes to better protect Queenslanders, this included making strangulation a standalone offence
- implementation of respectful relationships education in Queensland schools, to instil respect for their peers as a fundamental attitude, and assist with positive generational attitudinal and behavioural shifts
- strengthened workplace support for people experiencing violence in Queensland Government departments and introduced 10 days of domestic violence leave
- delivery of targeted communication activity, including implementation of a bystander campaign urging Queenslanders to do something and directing people experiencing violence to help and support services.