Mr Terence (Terry) Creek

Photo of Mr Terence (Terry) Creek.
Mr Terence (Terry) Creek

Terry Creek is a proud Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander man from the Southern Kaantj and Ayapathu clan groups of Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula. Terry is a strong, culturally-driven person who grew up in the central Cape York community of Coen. His experiences as an Indigenous man and as a member of the LGBTIQ+ communities allow him to help others, including through project delivery, stakeholder engagements, justice support, education, monitoring, progress reporting and data entry.

Terry works holistically to support offenders and the victims and their families. He provides warm referrals, linking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to local service providers that are culturally safe. Terry works actively with stakeholders to ensure programs are built around the person, with the aim of reducing crime, addressing recidivism, understanding the trauma of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and promoting community wellbeing and healing.

Terry joined the Prevention Council in 2024 to shine a light on the negative effects that DFV has on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families throughout Queensland, and to gain knowledge and wisdom from fellow Council Members, stakeholders and communities that will enable him to be an agent for positive change.