COVID-19 Domestic and Family Violence Virtual Summit

The COVID-19 Domestic and Family Violence Virtual Summit was held on Domestic Violence Remembrance Day (Wednesday 6 May).

The virtual summit, a cornerstone feature of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month (DFVP Month), saw experts, organisations and key stakeholders come together to develop solutions to challenges resulting from the pandemic, including how to maintain and adapt existing support. The input from specialist service providers and stakeholders will be critical to supporting the sector to meet demand and address current and future needs.

The summit also explored solutions to cross-sectoral issues and complexities experienced by survivors of domestic and family violence.

Every Queenslander will be able to have their say and contribute to the findings from the virtual summit by participating in the online survey. The survey closes on Friday 29 May.

Find out more about the summit via the Not now, Not Ever. Together website. Questions about the summit can be directed to