New campaign to raise awareness of domestic and family violence in LGBTIQ communities

On 6 December 2018, the Honourable Di Farmer, Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence launched the LGBTIQ domestic and family violence awareness campaign.

Based on research and community engagement, and developed in response to recommendation 14 of the Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland report, the campaign seeks to raise awareness of domestic and family violence within LGBTIQ communities and remove stigmas around reporting and accessing support services.

Research shows that LGBTIQ people suffer domestic and family violence at the same rates, or perhaps even higher, than the broader community. They also experience unique forms of abuse and may be particularly reluctant to seek help. Campaign messaging delivers information on the types of abuse that are unique to the LGBTIQ community, dispel some of the common misconceptions about support options and provide information on where to go for help.

The campaign will run for 12 months until December 2019 and will be brought to life through a range initiatives including media partnerships, events, editorial, advertising and social media.

For more information about the campaign visit