Screening Services is responsible for the end-to-end processing of blue card applications and for supporting organisations to manage their blue card obligations.
Eligibility Assessment
The Eligibility Assessment team assesses adverse information received from the National Reference System and Working With Children Check to determine whether an applicant is eligible to hold a blue card.
The team also receives and actions notifications from the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and other agencies, such as the Queensland College of Teachers, about information that may impact a person’s continued eligibility to continue to hold a blue card to work with children.
The team includes community engagement officers—including First Nations staff—who take submissions over the phone or in person and visit remote and regional communities to provide assistance and support. The First Nations officers also provide a cultural lens to assist in the decision-making process. The application of a cultural lens recognises the impacts of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, which have resulted in adverse outcomes and particular cultural sensitivities which may be relevant.
The Eligibility Assessment team conducts all review hearings and appeals of blue card eligibility decisions in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
The Processing team is responsible for processing blue card applications including supporting applicants with using the Online Applicant Portal, identity requirements and other administrative issues that may arise during the application process. The team also provides direct support to employers using the BCS Organisation Portal to manage their blue card obligations.