Disability Worker Screening

Disability Worker Screening (DWS) manages the application process for workers and volunteers seeking a clearance to deliver disability supports and services in Queensland. DWS assesses applications to determine whether a person is cleared or excluded from working in certain roles with people with disability.

The paramount consideration in screening decisions is the right of people with disability to live their lives free from abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation. Disability worker screening plays an important role in creating safe environments and improving the quality of services and supports being delivered to people with disability.

The area also supports NDIS organisations and workers with their compliance requirements under the Disability Services Act 2006 (the Act).


Visit the Disability Worker Screening website to learn about the services we offer and who needs a card to work with people with disability.

Operational teams

DWS is responsible for managing enquiries about the disability worker screening system in Queensland. It comprises the following operational teams.


More information

Visit the Disability Worker Screening website to find information for:

  • workers
  • employers
  • self-managed participants
  • sole traders

as well as to access resources and latest news.


You can contact DWS by phone 1800 183 690 or email contactus@workerscreening.qld.gov.au.