Make an RTI or IP application to ODPP
The Director of Public Prosecutions has delegated the power to deal with applications made under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) or the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act)—if they relate to your personal information—to the Director-General, Department of Justice.
RTI or IP applications for Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions’ (ODPP) documents can be completed by downloading the Right to information and information privacy access application form (PDF) or the Personal information amendment form. Please nominate the ODPP as the agency you are applying to.
Completed applications can be submitting by one of the following methods:
- Post:
Right to Information and Privacy
Department of Justice
GPO Box 149
BRISBANE QLD 4001 - Phone: (07) 3738 9893
- Email:
Fees and charges
The current fee for an application under the RTI Act is $55.75. This fee cannot be waived. Processing and access charges may also be imposed.
There is no application fee for an application under the IP Act, but there may be access charges.
Learn more about RTI application fees and charges.