ODPP compliments and complaints
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) aims to be accessible and responsive to victims of crime, witnesses and stakeholders in the prosecution process. We strive to deliver a quality service and continuously improve by constructively using the feedback we receive.
The ODPP expects to receive feedback, compliments and complaints about our work and wants to know what we could do better, what we have done wrong, and when we have done well.
On this page you will find information about our compliments and complaints process. You can also download the ODPP compliments and complaints policy (PDF) (or DOCX).
Types of feedback the ODPP manages
The ODPP accepts feedback, compliments and complaints about:
- ODPP staff conduct
- how we handled your case—policies, procedures or service
- a review of a decision we have made on your case
- a review of a decision the Court made about your case.
Who can give feedback
Complaints can be made by victims, witnesses, or a family member who has consent on behalf of a victim (for instance if the victim is a child).
We will not respond to complaints by members of the public who are not connected to the case.
How you can provide feedback to the ODPP
If you would like to provide feedback, a compliment or make a complaint to the ODPP you can:
- fill out the online compliments and complaints form, choosing the ‘Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions’ from the dropdown list
- send an email to DPPfeedbackandcomplaints@justice.qld.gov.au
- speak to and send an email to your Victim Liaison Officer
- complete the anonymous Victim Liaison Service survey which is sent to you by your Victim Liaison Officer.
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and provide an estimate of how long it will take to respond to you.
Complaints will normally take a minimum of 28 days to review and give a response.
How the ODPP will handle your feedback
All feedback and complaints will be investigated and reviewed internally by a legal manager not connected to your case, with the oversight of a Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions. Your feedback or complaint will be provided to the relevant staff member for information during the internal review process.
A Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions will be the decision maker following the investigation and internal review.
How the ODPP will respond to your feedback
We will respond in writing or may ask you to take part in a meeting with us.
We encourage you to have a support person with you if a meeting is arranged. A support person must be someone who you feel comfortable speaking with about your case but who is not a witness in your case.
Once your feedback or complaint has been responded to, we will not provide a further response to feedback or complaints about the same issue.
Timeframes for dealing with your feedback
We will deal with your feedback or complaint as quickly as possible. Attempts will be made to respond within 28 business days. If we need more time to respond we will write to you and let you know.