In July 2019, AFL Queensland held their first ever Domestic Violence Awareness Round across the state. AFL Queensland CEO Dean Warren said AFL Queensland wants to make it clear they do not tolerate DFV in any way. 'It is our aim to use the vast reach of our AFL Queensland participation and fan networks to educate Queenslanders about domestic and family violence and create a safe and supporting environment for those affected.'
Pledge actions
As part of their pledge to prevent domestic and family violence (DFV), the following organisations have provided information on the action/s they are committed to taking.
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The Anglican Church Central Queensland are committed to:
- Adopting the Anglican Church of Australia 10 Commitments for preventing Domestic and Family Violence.
- Design and implement policies and materials to assist all Churches to create safe places for survivors of domestic abuse to find support.
- Bystander and awareness training.
- Working strategically internally and with external agencies toward a future free from violence.
Avanade is deeply committed to promoting a culture that embraces diversity, inclusion and gender equality. They recognise the profound impact of DFV on individuals, families and our community and commit to fostering a safe and aware workplace to help create lasting change to end DFV. Avanade has implemented a DFV policy to raise awareness about DFV and to encourage employees affected by DFV to seek support within a caring environment. They commit to supporting any employee impacted by DFV by providing access to confidential counselling services through their Employee Assistance Program (EAP), up to 10 days of paid DFV leave per year, flexible work arrangements including changes to working hours and location, and assistance in developing a Workplace safety plan.
They also affirm their continuous commitment to accelerating the progress of women at Avanade and ensuring that the fabric of the organisation 'walks the walk' when it comes to gender parity. They commit to creating an environment where women feel safe and respected at work, and men feel empowered to speak up if something doesn’t seem right. They will act through procedures and initiatives like their Gender equality policy and Women’s Employee Network, as well as their Respect for the individual policy and Code of conduct.
Banana Shire Council commits to playing a role, working within their organisation and—in partnership with others—to raise awareness, improve prevention, and provide practical assistance to end DFV.
BCD Travel is committed to gender equality, diversity, inclusion, and providing a healthy and safe working environment for their employees. They are proud of their Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Council, which raises awareness of important cultural, historical, social and religious observances and activities to support its people. BCD Travel is taking action to prevent DFV supported by DFV Policy that provides employees with information on domestic violence and how to access leave. BCD Travel offers up to 10 days paid domestic violence leave to all staff members. The People and Culture team works closely with employees affected by domestic violence and extends additional support through its Employee Assistance Program Provider. They are committed to providing flexible working arrangements that includes ‘work from anywhere’ options. BCD Travel raises awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. BCD Travel pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV, and is committed to working with partners across Australia to help achieve this goal.
Black & White Cabs pledges to work towards a Queensland where everyone is equal and free from violence. Black & White Cabs commits to work within the organisation and in partnership with others to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV. Black & White Cabs is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all employees.
It recognises that DFV is a work issue and that employment is often a critical element to supporting someone leaving a DFV relationship. Black & White Cabs recognises as leaders in the corporate and community sectors they have a vital role to play. They agree to use their internal and external and formal and information networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.
Boncentric is committed to creating a safer, more supportive environment for employees affected by DFV. They have developed a comprehensive policy which incorporates the following:
- staff training—training provided for all employees on recognising signs of DFV, responding appropriately, and understanding the support resources available
- access to support services—resources such as counselling, legal advice and financial planning is provided to all employees affected by DFV
- confidential support—all support channels are available confidentially to ensure employees are encouraged to seek support without fear of judgment
- workplace adjustments—flexible work arrangements such as remote work options and modified work hours are offered to ensure that affected employees are adequately supported
- leave policies—supportive leave policies have been implemented for employees affected by domestic violence, including paid or unpaid leave for those who need time off for legal proceedings or counselling
- community engagement/referrals—where available, they collaborate with local partners and refer affected patients to local support services who can provide more comprehensive support.
BOQ Group is committed to providing support to employees and customers affected by DFV. BOQ’s workplace encourages a culture that supports people asking for help when needed, with processes and practices to provide the individualised help and assistance required. BOQ Group is committed to raising awareness of the prevalence of DFV and its impact across the organisation and within the broader community.
The Bundaberg and District Neighbourhood Centre does not tolerate inequality and DFV. The centre pledges to work toward a Queensland where everyone is equal and free from violence. They commit to playing their role, working within their organisation and—in partnership with others—to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV. They recognise as leaders in the corporate and community sectors they have a vital role to play and agree to use their internal, external and formal information networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.
Cadent has taken the pledge and has committed to the initiative's recommended steps to promote its commitment, get involved, improve its workplace, and review what other workplaces have done. This will include—as a top priority—establishing and making its team aware of workplace policies on violence prevention and to support employees affected by DFV.
The Civil Contractors Federation Queensland Limited (CCF Qld) represents the interests of the civil construction industry in Queensland by providing the industry with assistance, expertise and support on industry issues. Representing some 15,000 employees, CCF Qld is passionate about proactively advocating against DFV throughout their workplaces and communities. CCF Qld is raising awareness of the impact of DFV through a variety of education avenues and is informing the industry on how DFV can be prevented along with providing accesses to support networks to those who are impacted.
Clubs Queensland, which represents more than 1,100 community clubs and their 2.4 million members, is dedicated to addressing DFV. In 2019, Clubs Queensland launched their ‘My Club Says Yes to Respect’ campaign. This campaign includes bystander education for club staff to help them know how to react when they witness or suspect violence, information on places to call for help in amenities and making material about support services easily accessible. This statewide campaign demonstrates Clubs Queensland’s commitment to addressing DFV within their workplaces and communities.
Commonwealth Bank is a strong advocate of diversity and inclusion as well as gender equality. The bank recognises it has an important role to play to support its customers, employees and members of the community who are impacted by DFV.
Since 2015, the bank has committed $25 million to support customers impacted by DFV. It provides direct, immediate and practical support for customers escaping DFV. In 2019, it announced its focus on financial abuse in the context of DFV (domestic and financial abuse). Most recently, the bank:
- increased its support for victims and survivors of financial abuse with a $5 million commitment to leading community organisations and experts, partnering with them to develop new financial solutions and support to help those affected achieve long-term financial independence
- further increased its leave provision to offer its employees experiencing DFV as much paid leave as they need to navigate the situation, and continue to provide up to 5 days paid leave to employees helping an immediate family member or member of their household in need.
CS Energy is deeply committed to promoting a culture that embraces inclusion and promotes the physical and psychological safety of its workforce. Its values demonstrate this: they work safely, they make today matter, they embrace change, and they care. CS Energy recognises the profound impact of DFV on individuals, families and the community. They commit to fostering a safe and aware workplace to help create lasting change and end DFV. They facilitate awareness campaigns and training to create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected at work and is empowered to speak up if something doesn't seem right. Every May, they recognise Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. They sponsor awareness events, host speakers, and continue to amplify awareness about how they can support their staff and colleagues suffering from DFV. CS Energy provides access to confidential counselling services through its Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a minimum of 10 days of paid DFV leave per year, and flexible work arrangements to further support the person's ability to focus on their security and wellbeing. CS Energy will continue actively seeking opportunities to broaden its activities and contribute to helping prevent and end DFV.
The Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA) works to advance the business of the industry. CSIA pledges to continue to support the work of the community services industry in raising awareness and supporting victims of DFV. As an organisation, CSIA will continue to raise awareness and understanding within the workplace, supporting people to do relevant training and promoting a respectful and empowered workplace culture. The organisation will also support any affected staff through their DFV policy, flexible work, and support and counselling arrangements. CSIA will actively seek opportunities to work with industry partners to achieve system change on issues connected to DFV, including gender equality, homelessness, child-safe organisations and inclusion.
Dr Sophia Franks affirms she will act with ethical integrity in her personal and professional life to uphold and ensure the national guidelines and principles. Benchbook, policy, law and relevant Acts are understood and integrated into best practice and early intervention across all relationships she has, including those with courts, government departments, funded agencies and community groups.
DWF is committed to raising awareness and providing practical assistance to end DFV. In 2021, staff from DWF's Brisbane office volunteered with Habitat for Humanity Australia on their Brush with Kindness corporate volunteering program. Their volunteers spent the day painting the inside of an old scout hall for use by the Women's Community Aid Association (WCAA). The WCAA supports Women's House Shelta, the Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors' Support Centre, and Brisbane Southwest Support—Sexual Violence Prevention. These organisations all provide services that support women and children with advocacy, accessing legal services, education, medical assistance, refuge, housing, sexual assault counselling and community education. DWF has again committed to supporting the Habitat for Humanity's volunteer program in 2022 to help renovate and make improvements to housing and shelter for families affected by DFV. They will continue to hold internal presentations for their staff to raise awareness about DFV. The Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors' Support Centre has previously attended DWF's Brisbane office to hold a roundtable discussion about DFV, and their resources are readily available in DWF's staff kitchen.
EY pledges to work towards an Australia where everyone is equal and free from violence. The EY organisation recognises that—as a leader of a large and diverse workplace—they can have a profound impact on creating a more gender-equal society by promoting respectful and inclusive behaviours at work and in all aspects of their lives. The EY organisation commits to playing their role, working within their organisation and—in collaboration with others—to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV.
Farren McRae Workplace Lawyers and Consultants commits to:
- understanding what DFV is and how it affects workplaces
- understanding their legal obligations as employers
- developing an approach to supporting employees experiencing DFV
- developing a workplace response to DFV.
Global Turf Projects (QLD) is making significant strides to combat DFV through a multifaceted approach. They have committed to raising awareness about this critical issue within their organisation and beyond. Their strategy includes integrating domestic violence awareness into their workplace culture, offering training for employees to recognise and respond to signs of domestic violence, and creating a supportive environment for those affected. Additionally, Global Turf Projects (QLD) actively supports local initiatives and charities dedicated to addressing domestic violence. This includes financial contributions and partnerships with organisations that provide essential services to survivors, such as shelters and counselling programs. They also advocate for broader community engagement by participating in and sponsoring events focused on ending domestic violence. Their commitment extends to promoting policies that support work-life balance and employee well-being, ensuring that their staff can access necessary resources and support without fear of discrimination or retaliation. Through these combined efforts, Global Turf Projects (QLD) demonstrates a strong commitment to addressing and ultimately ending DFV, leveraging both internal resources and community partnerships to drive meaningful change.
GWI will continue to set a standard for small business. GWI acknowledges the devastating impact of DFV. GWI’s response will start in their workplace, where they will continue to maintain a diverse and respectful environment where unhealthy stereotypes and behaviours are never allowed to flourish. GWI will be alert for the signs of DFV and will support any staff who become victims. This includes leave and flexible working arrangements that people may require to get back on their feet, having fallen victim to DFV. Outside of GWI, the organisation will continue to advocate for what is fair and acceptable in a modern society and will stand up for the right of everybody to be safe and happy in their own home. GWI’s CEO has also committed to continuing to put his personal standing behind this issue and to tell his fellow CEOs that it is their responsibility to be heard.
Halcyon is actively engaged in supporting victims of DFV by providing accommodation alternatives to affected women and children. Halcyon, in conjunction with Mirvac, has completed Bella's Sanctuary and is committed to encouraging and assisting other companies to join together to build additional transitional housing projects for Queensland victims. They have also committed to raising awareness amongst employees regarding DFV, and to providing practical and counselling support services to any affected employee. For the last 2 years, Halcyon has presented on this topic at all team meetings so that all employees feel engaged and on board with Halcyon’s ventures.
Haslin Constructions do not tolerate inequality and domestic and family violence. Haslin Constructions pledges to work towards a country where everyone is equal and free from violence. Haslin commits to playing our role, working within our organisation and in partnership with others to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end domestic and family violence. Haslin recognises as leaders in the corporate sector, they have a vital role to play and agree to use their internal and external networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.
Hillery Group has committed to creating a safer place for our community—internal and external. They understand the impact and consequences of DFV on families and communities, and want their staff and the broader community to be heard and valued. They will provide succinct training and development on responding to and supporting DFV.
IJS commits to having zero tolerance to domestic violence. Not now, not ever.
The Independent Education Union's (Queensland and Northern Territory Branch) governing body pledges to email their members to call for a day of action for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, where they ask their members to pause to reflect and hold a high visibility event. This email will also provide links and information, should their teaching members wish to speak to their students about the issue. They also pledge to ensure they always ask for Family and Domestic Violence leave in any agreements that they negotiate.
Infrastructure Project Solutions is committed to ending DFV by fostering a culture of respect, safety and support. They are dedicated to raising awareness, providing resources and partnering with organisations that work towards prevention and support for those affected. Through these actions, they aim to create a safer community for all.
InMed Healthcare has committed to encouraging open communication amongst employees in relation to any DFV experienced. They will provide a safe workplace to escape violence and offer social and economic support when required.
Interleasing is an organisation that is deeply committed to gender equality, diversity, inclusion and providing a healthy and safe working environment for their employees. Interleasing is taking action by offering up to 5 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV and working with their Employee Assistance Program provider to offer counselling support services and guidance to employees and their family members affected by DFV. They also raise awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including DFV Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. Interleasing pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV, and they are committed to working with their partners across Australia to help achieve this goal.
Invise Pty Ltd does not tolerate inequality or DFV. Invise pledges to work towards a Queensland where everyone is equal and free from violence. Invise commits to playing their role—working within their organisation and in partnership with others—to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV. Invise recognises that—as leaders in the corporate and community sectors—they have a vital role to play, and they agree to use their internal, external, formal and informal networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.
IWAA’s heartfelt commitment is to empower culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women and children affected by DFV. They strive not only to provide immediate safety but also to instil a deep sense of self-worth and resilience, guiding their clients towards a future free from violence. IWAA believes that every woman and child deserves a life free from fear and abuse. They are dedicated to teaching principles of safety, respect and self-empowerment while breaking down the unique barriers CALD women face, such as language differences, cultural misunderstandings and unfamiliarity with legal systems. IWAA support officers—all CALD women themselves—offer compassionate and culturally sensitive assistance. They bridge communication gaps, ensure clients fully understand their rights, and help them navigate the complexities of DFV systems with clarity and empathy. IWAA offers crisis accommodation which provides a secure and nurturing environment tailored to the needs of CALD women and children fleeing DFV. They have tried to make it CALD specific and homely—a place where clients can begin their recovery journey, feeling safe, valued and understood. They also offer mobile in-home support and have a CALD DFV helpline designed for CALD women and children experiencing DFV. IWAA programs include counselling, trauma-informed support, housing, financial literacy and practical assistance to empower CALD women.
KN Civil Earthworks have created a Zero Tolerance DV Statement and policy and this has been communicated with staff. Upper management staff have completed The White Ribbon Australia: Prevention of Violence in the Workplace training.
Luminary in Brisbane is committed to a zero tolerance policy to DFV and pledges to provide domestic violence leave that may be taken as part of the annual personal leave entitlement for employees who are experiencing DFV.
Luminary has provided training about understanding types of abuse and domestic violence in the workplace to enhance staff understanding.
Additionally, Luminary provides pro-bono services to Commsync, which supports the safety of those vulnerable to family, domestic and workplace violence. Commsync harnesses technology in tandem with human networks to deliver personal safety outcomes, seamlessly connecting those at risk to those who care.
Maurice Blackburn is committed to supporting DFV organisations in Queensland to undertake the lifesaving work they do every day to assist people experiencing violence. They recognise that, as a community, we all have a part to play in putting an end to the epidemic of violence against women in Australia. Maurice Blackburn’s Women’s Network has made it a key priority to contribute to organisations engaged in this important work. Their Brisbane office is partnering with DVConnect, Queensland’s leading domestic violence service, to provide a variety of professional services on a pro bono basis to help end domestic, family and sexual violence against women.
Maxxia Pty Ltd is an organisation that is deeply committed to gender equality, diversity, inclusion and providing a healthy and safe working environment for their employees. Maxxia is taking action to prevent DFV by offering up to 5 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV and working with their Employee Assistance Program provider to offer counselling support services and guidance to employees and their family members affected by DFV. They also raise awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including DFV Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. Maxxia pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV, and they are committed to working with partners across Australia to help achieve this goal.
As an organisation, McCullough Robertson will undertake the MATE Bystander training with leaders and invite members of the legal profession, as well as clients. They will actively support the Women's Legal Service—through pro bono work and fundraising—and continue to evolve their policy and practices to ensure they are best practice through active involvement and sharing across business.
MinterEllison is committed to continuing its work to raise awareness of and take action in relation to the prevention of DFV and its effects in the workplace and our communities through a range of initiatives including:
- the continued implementation and ongoing refinement of its Domestic and Family Violence Policy and Employee Assistance Program providing specialist domestic violence counselling support
- ongoing community and pro bono legal support for people impacted by DFV and organisations who assist them, such as the firm’s longstanding partnership with Australia's CEO Challenge and involvement in organising and participating in the annual Darkness to Daylight Challenge
- working with others to share initiatives, raise awareness and inspire action.
Medimobile does not tolerate inequality and DFV. They pledge to work toward a Queensland where everyone is equal and free from violence. Medimobile commits to playing their role, working within the organisation and in partnership with others to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV. Medimobile recognises that as leaders in the business and community sectors they have a vital role to play and agree to use their networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.
National Finance Choice Pty Ltd (NFC) is an organisation that is deeply committed to gender equality, diversity, inclusion and providing a healthy and safe working environment for their employees. NFC is taking action by offering up to 5 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV and working with their Employee Assistance Program provider to offer counselling support services and guidance to employees and their family members affected by DFV. They also raise awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including DFV Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. NFC pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV, and they are committed to working with partners across Australia to help achieve this goal.
The National Retail Association (NRA) is one of Australia’s largest and most representative retail industry organisations, servicing more than 28,000 retail and fast food outlets nationwide. NRA is a union for employers, dedicated to helping retail and service sector businesses navigate and comply with an ever-changing, highly competitive environment. Due to its position as a trusted source of advice, the NRA is encouraging retail businesses to educate employees about how DFV affects the workplace, and how businesses can address and respond to this issue and more effectively support women affected by violence. The NRA is passionate about assisting its members, and the wider retail industry, to navigate the complexities of these issues and assisting the government in reducing the instances of DFV.
The myP3 management team acknowledges that DFV includes social, emotional, physical, sexual or financial abuse. DFV, in any of its forms, is unacceptable and places a considerable adversity on those impacted and the greater community. All persons working for (and their families) or interacting with myP3 workers can expect to be supported by an organisation that actively seeks to stop DFV scenarios. The myP3 management team believes that all people have the right to live free from the threat of DFV and further recognises that, as an employer, they have an opportunity and obligation to:
- establish a workplace culture that fosters zero tolerance of abusive, harassing or violent behaviours towards anyone
- support myP3 workers when circumstances arise that affect myP3 workers and their families in relation to DFV
- foster a workplace culture where myP3 workers affected by DFV are supported.
Pine Rivers Netball Association (PRNA) supports its members and treats them as family. PRNA won't stand for any form of domestic or family violence in its community and firmly believes its association is where their members should feel safe to play and watch the game they love. PRNA will continue to work with Netball QLD to promote the prevention of DFV and offer local organisations the opportunity to have a presence each game day to raise awareness about the issue.
Plan Partners is an organisation that is deeply committed to gender equality, diversity, inclusion and providing a healthy and safe working environment for their employees. Plan Partners is taking action by offering up to 5 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV and working with their Employee Assistance Program provider to offer counselling support services and guidance to employees and their family members affected by DFV. They also raise awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including DFV Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. Plan Partners pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV.
Plan Tracker is taking action by offering up to 5 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV and working with their Employee Assistance Program provider to offer counselling support services and guidance to employees and their family members affected by DFV. They also raise awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including DFV Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. Plan Tracker pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV.
Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service (QIFVLS) in Cairns is committed to providing a free legal service for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people affected by family violence and/or sexual assault in Queensland.
- help explain legal rights and responsibilities
- outline various options and steps to solve your legal problems
- go to court and support clients through the process
- connect to free counselling and support services such as health, housing and financial advisors
- offer information sessions, factsheets and resources in the areas of law, child protection, DFV, family law, victims assistance, witness assistance law and victim support (sexual assault).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples—and their children—who are experiencing or have experienced family violence or sexual assault and are living in Queensland are eligible for QIFVLS services.
QIFVLS pledges to build and maintain strong relationships with community groups, schools and service providers through displays and information booths, presenting education sessions (legal or non-legal) and holding and attending community events.
QUT strongly believes that everyone has a right to feel safe and supported in their home and workplace. As the 'university for the real world', QUT recognises the important role that workplaces play in addressing real-world problems. QUT is committed to providing opportunities for staff and students to realise their full potential by embracing diversity and creating a respectful and inclusive culture. This is articulated throughout the university's strategy, Blueprint 6.
QUT is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for staff, students and the wider university community. QUT will continue its work in raising awareness and advancing prevention of DFV. They will:
- continue to promote the application and continued improvement of the DFV leave policy, which offers up to 20 days leave on full pay in a 12 month period to staff requiring assistance as a result of DFV
- ensure safe, supportive and respectful practices are understood, accepted and modelled by leaders
- offer reasonable adjustments, which may include a temporary change of work location and appropriate security arrangements
- offer 24-hour access to registered psychologists and counsellors through the Employee Assistance Program.
Redleap Consulting declares their commitment to do all they can to eliminate DFV. They pledge to:
- promote a respectful workplace culture and provide support to those whose lives are affected by DFV
- work toward a community where everyone is equal and free from violence
- play their role, working within the organisation and in partnership with others to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV
- use their networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence, recognising that as leaders in the corporate and community sectors they have a vital role to play.
RemServ is taking action by offering up to 5 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV and working with their Employee Assistance Program provider to offer counselling support services and guidance to employees and their family members affected by DFV. They also raise awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including DFV Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. RemServ pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV, and they are committed to working with partners across Australia to help achieve this goal.
As part of their commitment to the Not now, not ever initiative, Resile pledges to provide their teams with:
- education and training—provide regular training for all employees on recognising and preventing DFV, including workshops and online resources
- support systems—maintain their existing confidential support system for employees experiencing DFV, including counselling services and flexible work arrangements
- awareness campaigns—actively participate in and promote awareness campaigns within their organisation and the wider community through social media and other platforms where available
- policy development—continue to enforce comprehensive policies addressing DFV to ensure a safe workplace
- community engagement—collaborate with local organisations and support services to contribute to broader community efforts in preventing DFV.
By taking these steps, Resile aims to create a safe, supportive and informed workplace where all employees feel valued and protected.
Sage Design and Advisory is committed to doing their part to end DFV. As an organisation commonly involved in human research, they know the damage it is doing to our community—to children, to parents, to loved ones, to friends. Sage Design and Advisory encourages an open environment where talking about DFV is not taboo, because only by enabling an open discussion will team members—and even clients and research participants—feel safe to share their story and get the help they need. To that end, Sage Design and Advisory supports their team with access to flexible work arrangements, paid leave, facilitation of access to support and more. Because it will only end if organisations are committed to action, not just words.
SEE Group is committed to changing the attitudes and behaviours that lead to violence against family members and supporting employees affected by it. The organisation will achieve this by supporting employees experiencing DFV, with the aim of supporting their safety and their continued participation in employment, and ensuring they are not disadvantaged because of their situation. SEE Group is committed to the prevention of DFV and will promote equal and respectful relationships between women and men, and challenge the condoning of violence against women. They will challenge gender stereotypes in the construction industry and promote women's independence and decision making. All employees are required to demonstrate behaviour that does not support or promote DFV (or any other form of violence), or unequal relationships between men and women.
Slater and Gordon Lawyers pledges to work toward a Queensland where everyone is equal and free from violence. Slater and Gordon Lawyers commits to playing their role, working within their organisation and in partnership with others to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV. Slater and Gordon Lawyers recognises as leaders in the corporate and community sectors they have a vital role to play and they agree to use their networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.
Salary Packaging Australia does not tolerate inequality and DFV and pledges to work towards a Queensland where everyone is equal and free from violence. Salary Packaging Australia commits to playing their role, working within their organisation and in partnership with others to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV. They recognise as leaders in the corporate and community sectors they have a vital role to play and agree to use their internal, external and formal information networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.
Solutions Property Management has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying or any kind of violence in the workplace. They are also active in assisting DFV survivors to leave dangerous domestic situations by prioritising them for rental properties.
Stanwell recognises the profound impact of domestic and family violence on individuals, families and communities.
Stanwell are dedicated to creating a safe, supportive and respectful environment for all employees, stakeholders and communities by:
- Implementing proactive measures to prevent domestic and family violence within their workplace and broader community through awareness campaigns, sponsorships and partnerships with local organisations.
- Ensuring confidentiality, sensitivity and support for all employees facing situations involving domestic and family violence.
- Continuously raising awareness through employee training programs about domestic and family violence, its signs, and its effects, as well as providing guidance on available support options both internally and externally.
- Offering up to 10 days of paid leave for employees experiencing domestic and family violence.
- Advocating for change by using our influence to support legislative and societal reforms that aid victims of domestic and family violence.
Telstra is committed to taking action to prevent DFV. Telstra is doing this by:
- being involved in the Male Champions of Change—CEO Andy Penn is a member of this group, which aims to elevate gender equality as an issue of national and international social and economic importance
- partnering with the Women’s Services Network (WESNET) on the organisation’s Safe Connections Program which assists women impacted by domestic violence by providing access to safe and secure communications
- offering up to 10 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV
- piloting the Mates Bystander Program in Queensland, an education and intervention program designed to teach community members how to recognise abuse and have the confidence to speak out and offer help
- being a White Ribbon accredited organisation.
United Financial Services (UFS) is taking action by offering up to 5 days of paid leave for employees experiencing DFV and working with their Employee Assistance Program provider to offer counselling support services and guidance to employees and their family members affected by DFV. They also raise awareness of DFV among their staff throughout the year, including DFV Prevention Month, RUOK Day and International Women’s Day. UFS pledges to continue to raise awareness, facilitate prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV, and they are committed to working with partners across Australia to help achieve this goal.
As the supplier of water and wastewater services for City of Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast and Noosa Councils, Unitywater is committed to spreading awareness in the workplace and the community to provide customers with options to external support services where required. Unitywater recognises the need to have processes in place to support our customers who are in vulnerable situations. Unitywater have policies and procedures to support those affected by domestic and family violence and will continue to learn and be proactive about this important social issue.
VM Family Law is committed to providing accessible legal assistance to clients who have been subjected to incidents of domestic violence, by offering pro bono and legal aid services and working collaboratively with other domestic violence organisations. VM Family Law is committed to raising the level of education within the legal profession, to ensure better representation of lawyers working within this field.
Wave Realty in Sandgate feels a personal responsibility towards the health and safety of its team and tenants. Wave Realty is committed to a zero tolerance policy towards DFV of any kind and takes action to achieve this by:
- ensuring all tenants know Wave Realty will provide any practical assistance necessary to ensure their safety; this includes acting as a safe contact and providing safety resources and contacts to them
- building a safe workplace culture for the team; starting in 2020 Wave Realty will distribute DFV contact cards to each new tenant as a commitment to reducing DFV in our community.
As a part of the community Wave Realty recognises its vital role in the prevention of DFV and pledges to take action towards this cause.
Work Rehab does not tolerate inequality and DFV. They pledge to work toward a Queensland where everyone is equal and free from violence. Work Rehab commits to playing their role, working within the organisation and in partnership with others to raise awareness, improve prevention and provide practical assistance to end DFV. Work Rehab recognises that as leaders in the corporate and community sectors, they have a vital role to play and agree to use their networks to activate others to join in this shared objective of keeping everyone safe from violence.