Compliments and complaints form

Please use this online form to submit your compliments and complaints about our department’s products, services, procedures, practices or policies.

Some complaints are out of scope and follow a different process. Find out more about those complaint types.

  1. Details of compliment or complaint
    1. Corporate Services division includes:

      • Financial Services
      • Information Technology Services
      • Infrastructure Services
      • People, Capability and Culture.

      Courts and Tribunals division includes:

      • Coroners Court of Queensland
      • Magistrates Courts Service
      • Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
      • Reform and Support Services
      • Supreme, District and Land Courts Service.

      Harm Prevention and Regulation division includes:

      • Queensland Worker Screening Services (including Blue Card Services and Disability Worker Screening)
      • Office of Fair Trading
      • Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
      • Regulatory Support Services.

      This option can be used to make a complaint about Blue Card Services or you can choose ‘Blue Card Services’ from the list.

      If your complaint is about a business or seller—not the Office of Fair Trading team—please make a consumer complaint.

      Blue Card Services looks after applications and updates relating to a Blue Card—Queensland Working with Children Check, a screening process that assesses a person’s suitability to work with children.

      You can use this option to make a complaint about the Blue Card Services team.

      If your complaint relates to the progress of a blue card application, please use the Blue Card contact form instead.

      Justice Policy and Reform division includes:

      • First Nations Justice Office
      • Justice Reform Office
      • Regulatory Policy
      • Secretariats Support
      • Special Projects and Statutory Reviews
      • Strategic Policy and Legislation.

      Portfolio Governance and Executive Services division includes:

      • Ethical Standards
      • Executive Services
      • First Nations Advisory Unit
      • General Counsel
      • Internal Audit
      • Strategic Communication
      • Strategy and Governance.

      Women’s Safety, and Victims and Community Support division includes:

      • Community Justice Services
        • Body Corporate and Community Management
        • Dispute Resolution
        • Justices of the Peace
        • Registry of Births, Death and Marriages
      • Investment and Commissioning
      • Victim Assist Queensland
      • Women’s Safety and Violence Prevention.

      Complaints about funded organisations

      We prefer complaints regarding funded organisations be directed to that organisation in the first instance to allow them to respond and work with the complainant to address and resolve their concerns. Funded organisations are required to have complaints management policies in place as part of their business management practices.

      The Office of the Director of Child Protection Litigation does not handle complaints for Blue Card Services.

      Find out more about the ODPP compliments and complaints process.

      If your complaint is about the services that the OIIS provides, please visit the Office of the Independent Implementation Supervisor website.

      If your complaint is about your rights as a victim of violent crime not being met under the Charter of Victims’ Rights, you can make a complaint to the agency you feel didn’t uphold your rights.

      You can also make Charter of Victims’ Rights complaints on the Office of the Victims’ Commissioner website.

      If your complaint is about financial assistance for victims of crime (Victim Assist Queensland), select ‘Women’s Safety, and Victims and Community Support’ from the list above.

      Please use if the business area is unknown or not listed above.

    2. Is this matter related to Blue Card—Queensland Working for Children Check?*
    3. (If you chose '0' above)

      This option is not for complaints relating to the Blue Card—Queensland Working for Children Check.

      If your complaint is about Blue Card Services, please select Blue Card Services from the list.

    4. Would you like to make a compliment or complaint?
  2. (If you chose '0' above)
    Please provide as much detail as you can (who, what, where, when and why) so we can pass on your compliment.
  3. Complaint summary
    1. Have you raised your complaint with us before?
    2. Previous complaint details

      Please provide as much of the following information as possible to help us identify your complaint.

      1. How did you make the complaint with us?
      2. You can only upload the following file formats: doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, png, xls, xlsx, pdf.
    3. Complaint details
      1. When did it happen? *
      2. What time did it happen (approximately)?
      3. Where did it happen?
      4. (If you chose '3' above)
      5. Do you think what happened was a breach of your privacy? You can find out about your privacy rights on the Queensland Government website.
      6. Do you think what happened was a breach of your human rights? You can find a list of your rights on the Queensland Human Rights Commission website
      7. (If you chose '0' above)
  4. Personal details
    1. Would you like this complaint to be anonymous? If you select 'yes', we won’t have your contact details to provide you with a response to your complaint.
    2. (If you chose '1' above)
      Your details
      1. Are you aged 18 years or over?
      2. (If you chose '1' above)
      3. Support
        1. Do you need someone to help you to tell us what happened?
        2. (If you chose '0' above)
          Have they agreed to us contacting them?
        3. (If you chose '0' above)
        4. Do you need an interpreter?
        5. (If you chose '0' above)
      4. Contact details
        1. How would you prefer we contact you?
        2. (If you chose '0' above)
        3. (If you chose '1' above)
        4. (If you chose '2' above)
          Postal address

The Department of Justice (‘the department’) is collecting your personal information for the purposes of identifying and dealing with your complaint in accordance with our Client complaints management policy.

Your personal information will be provided to the relevant agency/agencies, integrity body or statutory body to investigate and respond to your complaint.

Every effort is made to ensure your complaint is only provided to the correct business area, but in some circumstances the receiving area may need to send your complaint to another business area in the department.

Your personal information will not be provided to any person you are complaining about, unless specifically required to ensure your complaint is appropriately dealt with.

Limited personal information may be used for related research, policy or planning functions. Unless authorised or required by law, your personal information will not otherwise be disclosed to any other third party without your consent.

The department’s processes ensure that your personal information remains protected in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and the department’s Privacy plan. (DOCX, 503.5 KB)