Submission on the review of sentencing for sexual violence offences and aggravating factors for domestic and family violence offences (June 2023) (PDF, 125.5 KB)
Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Support for Victims of Crime (April 2023) (PDF, 217.1 KB)
Submission on the review of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (February 2023) (PDF, 170.1 KB)
Submission on the Monitoring of Places of Detention (Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture) Bill 2022 (December 2022) (PDF, 120.2 KB)
Submission on the Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (December 2022) (PDF, 106.3 KB)
Submission on the “National principles to address coercive control” (October 2022) (PDF, 179.5 KB)
Submission on the revised “Quality of Care Amendment (Restrictive Practices) Principles 2022” (September 2022) (PDF, 169.1 KB)
Submission on Inquiry into the Decriminalisation of Certain Public Offences and Health and Welfare Responses August 2022 (PDF, 141.6 KB)
Submission on the Criminal Procedure Review June 2022 (PDF, 110.5 KB)
Submission: Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act (Qld) February 2022 (PDF, 285.5 KB)
Submission on the Inspector of Detention Services Bill 2021 November 2021 (PDF, 108.0 KB)
Submission on the responsiveness of Queensland's guardianship system to complaints and investigations July 2020 (PDF, 441.1 KB)
Submission on the penalties for assaults on public officers May 2020 (PDF, 122.2 KB)
Submission on a Regulation Impact Statement about enhancing the protections relating to the use of enduring power of attorney instruments March 2020 (PDF, 290.0 KB)