Our lists
The Department of Justice holds a number of public registers. Some we are required to hold by law and others relate to the function of the agency or the laws that we administer. Although privacy and confidentiality issues prevent disclosure of some information, other information may be accessed by the public at no cost or for a fee.
Information sheets
This schedules makes reference to specific Child Protection Conferencing days for 2023 as set by the Courts.
This list contains information about organisations which may be able to help you in a dispute with a business.
This list contains legislation that the Office of Fair Trading regulates.
Find a civil partnership notary if you would like to register your civil partnership with a ceremony at a location of your choice.
See what information is available and learn how you can access and order records.
Search the register of incorporated associations and charities.
Search the register of cooperatives.
Search the register of enforceable undertakings.
Search the register of licensees and salespeople in industries that the OFT regulates.
Online publication of Gifts and Benefits register in accordance with PSC Directive