Our priorities

Find out more about our strategies and performance including plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.

This page is updated regularly. You can either download a document from this page or send us a request to access them.

Annual reports

Client complaints annual reports

Annual reports of client complaints and complaints received by our department.

Crown Law annual reports

Crown Law's annual reports summarise their priorities and the corporate performance of the practice.

DJAG annual reports

Each year we produce an annual report to summarise our financial and corporate performance. The annual report is designed to meet the needs of key stakeholders in accordance with the Financial Accountability Act 2009 requirements.

Final Prostitution Licensing Authority Annual Report 2023–24

The Prostitution Licensing Authority’s final annual report 2023–24 summarises their financial and corporate performance.

PLA strategic plan 2023-27 (PDF, 323.3 KB)

The Prostitution Licensing Authority’s final annual report 2023–24 summarises their financial and corporate performance.

RTI/IP annual report 2022–23

The Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009 annual report for 2022–23.


Prevent. Support. Believe. Queensland's framework to address sexual violence

The framework sets out government's vision for a Queensland where everyone lives free of the fear, threat or experience of sexual violence. It brings together the progress government has made so far in addressing this issue, and identifies priority areas for action that will guide the Queensland Government’s future responses to sexual violence.

Law reform activities

Office of Fair Trading consultation and regulatory reform

View OFT’s current and past consultations and regulatory reform.


Disability service plans

We are committed to making our services more accessible, raising more awareness of rights and responsibilities, creating employment opportunities, and supporting staff to learn more about disability. This service plan—and our commitment to the objectives of the All Abilities Queensland: opportunities for all plan—remains current until our new 2022–25 service plan is released in early 2023.

Gambling harm minimisation plan for Queensland 2021–25

This plan is a shared plan of action for government, industry and the community to reduce harm from gambling from 2021 to 2025.

Inclusion, diversity and equity action plan 2023–27

This plan outlines the actions, goals, responsibilities and measures needed to achieve the objectives in our Inclusion, diversity and equity strategy 2023–27.

Prevent. Support. Believe. Queensland’s framework to address sexual violence—Action plan 2021–22

This action plan outlines new and continuing sexual violence prevention and response actions across the Queensland Government.

Safe children and strong communities 2021–2025

A strategy and action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations accessing the blue card system.

Strategic workforce plan 2021–25

This plan is a template for action to equip our workforce with the agility, capability and resilience to meet challenges and deliver innovative, responsive justice outcomes for the community.


Support for DJAG employees affected by domestic and family violence

This policy sets out the framework for the support available to our employees who are affected by domestic and family violence.


Multicultural action plan reports

These reports provide an update on our actions under the Multicultural action plan.

Queensland Government response to Hear her voice: Report 1—Addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland

The Queensland Government response to each individual recommendation from the first report of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce.

Report on the review of the Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009 (PDF, 995.6 KB)

Overall, the review found that the objects of the RTI Act and IP Act are being achieved and remain relevant. However, the review identified a number of opportunities to improve and enhance the operation of the legislation.

Taskforce on Organised Crime Legislation report

The Taskforce on Organised Crime Legislation was established to review legislation introduced in Queensland in late 2013 as part of an extensive crackdown on organised crime. The Taskforce was also required regard the findings of the Organised Crime Commission of Inquiry and the Review of the Criminal Organisation Act 2009. The Chair of the Taskforce, the Honourable Alan Wilson QC, former Supreme Court Judge, presented the final report of the Taskforce to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills on 31 March 2016. The Taskforce has now concluded.

Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce Hear her voice: Report 1—Addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland

Hear her voice—Report 1 makes 89 recommendations to the Queensland Government about essential reforms required to the domestic violence service and justice systems, as well as a 4-phase plan that includes a comprehensive suite of legislative reforms.

Strategic plans

DJAG strategic plan 2022–26

The DJAG strategic plan 2022–26 is an essential document for our department. In setting our vision for the future it provides us with a common set of goals.


Closing the registration gap strategy

Our Kids Count is the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages' campaign to increase birth registrations in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Compliance enforcement strategy 2021–22

This document outlines the key priorities and the processes involved for enforcement of the blue card system.

Human rights strategy (PDF)

Our vision is for a modern, fair and responsive Queensland where we respect, protect and promote human rights.

Inclusion, diversity and equity strategy 2023–27

This strategy provides a roadmap to continue building our workplace culture, where everyone belongs and our diversity of thought is embraced.

Information and communication technology (ICT) strategy 2021–2026

An outline of the potential future state for ICT departmental capabilities.

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation liquor compliance strategy

OLGR's strategy includes liquor regulation, monitoring, enforcement, advice, education and place-based management strategies.

Open data strategy 2022–2026

The Open data strategy establishes the open data principles and objectives that enable us to support open, accountable and transparent government.