Our policies
Our governance framework incorporates our policies, procedures and guidelines that govern the way we deliver services to Queensland. Our policies align to legislative requirements and to whole‑of‑government policy framework requirements.
This page is updated regularly. You can either download a document in the publication scheme from this page or send us a request to access them.
Fact sheets
Dispute Resolution Branch brochure on court ordered child protection conferencing services.
This fact sheet contains information about the general principles and health care principles that provide guidance to any person or entity performing a function of exercising a power under Queensland's guardianship legislation.
This fact sheet explains the important legal duties and obligations that attorneys in Queensland must comply with.
This fact sheet explains the important legal duties and obligations that guardians and administrators in Queensland must comply with.
If you are a party to Court proceedings and you wish to obtain records held by the Department of Justice for use in those proceedings, you may request the relevant Court to issue a subpoena or a summons to produce documents. The subpoena or summons requires our department to produce requested documents directly to the Court.
This fact sheet gives some background information about how the blue card system works and how it helps to keep children safe.
Queensland Police Service officers use this request form to access CCTV footage from DJAG/Courts.
Read this guide before completing your advance health directive. It provides detailed explanatory notes about the information required to complete the form. It steps you through the questions and provides useful information, practical examples, hints and tips.
This handbook is designed to give you a general overview of when you might need to consider the obligations in the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) and what to do, where to look for more information or who to ask for advice when you need it.
This handbook is a comprehensive guide for practising Commissioners for Declarations in Queensland. It has been written to give you a clear understanding of what is expected of you in your role and as a day-to-day reference to help you perform your duties responsibly, correctly and consistently.
This handbook is a comprehensive guide for practising Justices of the Peace (Qualified) in Queensland. It has been written to give you a clear understanding of what is expected of you in your role and as a day-to-day reference to help you perform your duties responsibly, correctly and consistently.
Find out how to make a human rights complaint and how to manage a complaint.
Volunteer information pack to be read and understood by all members of the Justices of the Peace in the community program.
Whole-of-government policy for engaging barristers.
Planning and reporting for human rights.
These practice directions are guides written by the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management to help explain the rules for body corporate disputes and the steps you must follow. Practice directions give more information about the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997. They do not replace the Act or the Commissioner’s ability to decide what is required for a particular dispute.
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) Prequalified Panel of Barristers Scheme.
Principles and guidelines for operating within the Justices of the Peace in the community program.
This guide outlines the different classes of information within the publication scheme along with how to classify information holdings for uploading to the publication scheme.
Queensland Government response to coronial recommendations.
Resources for government lawyers.
Legal service directions and guidelines.
These guidelines were developed to give convicted prisoners the opportunity to request testing of DNA in very limited circumstances including where their appeal options have been exhausted. They were released on 5 August 2010. The guidelines set rigorous application criteria while also acknowledging significant developments in forensic science.
These guidelines were developed for the prescription of penalty infringement notice offences under the State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014.
These guidelines help people who are required to assess the capacity of adults to make decisions under the guardianship framework in the state.
On 16 December 1996, the Queensland Government approved that the operations of Crown Law move to a user-pays model from 1 January 1997. At that time, the principles and categories of tied work were also approved.
The Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) commenced on 1 July 2009. The IP Act contains 11 Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) which apply to the Department of Justice. IPP 5 places an obligation on agencies to take steps to ensure that people are aware of the types of personal information held by an agency, why they are held, and how an individual can access their personal information. This document is designed to meet the obligations imposed by IPP 5, and contains information about the structure of the department, the differing types of personal information held, the reasons such personal information is held, and how you may access your own personal information.
We are committed to efficiently using resources and minimising waste. To achieve this, we focus on avoiding waste in the first instance, and reusing and recycling.
This policy enables information to be requested informally rather than under relevant Acts. It provides a framework for the department's business areas and explains how to make an information request in writing directly to the relevant business unit.
This policy is intended to guide Queensland government officers and agencies when considering whether a decision should be subject to a merits review and what merit review mechanisms should be available in relation to decisions made under a legislative power.
On 30 November 2020, important changes to the law underpinning Queensland’s guardianship system came into effect.
Office of Fair Trading policy detailing delegations to decide and approve or refer claims lodged through the Claim fund established under the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014.
A policy to provide Office of Fair Trading (OFT) staff with appropriate intervention and management strategies to deal with aggressive clients or traumatic incidents in the course of their duties.
This policy sets the direction for client complaint management in DJAG.
This policy sets out a broad framework for the management of mobile and fixed closed circuit television (CCTV) system cameras and recording devices and associated data at various DJAG locations.
Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations code of conduct.
The purpose of this policy is to detail the Queensland Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT) strategy for dealing with complaints about cold call investment fraud.
The Office of Fair Trading's policy describing how we undertake compliance activities.
This policy defines compliance checks as undertaken by Office of Fair Trading (OFT) inspectors when performing their investigation and enforcement duties.
This policy sets out how our employees disclose conflicts of interest.
Crown Law has developed and implemented a quality management system based on ISO9001:2015.
The Office of Fair Trading's policy for entering into enforceable undertakings with non-compliant traders.
The Office of Fair Trading's policy on entry, search and seizure, including stopping or moving a vehicle.
Read this guide before you begin filling in your enduring power of attorney (you can use this guide for both the short form and the long form). It provides detailed explanatory notes about the information required to complete these forms. Its steps you through the questions and provides useful information, practical examples, hints and tips.
The Fraud and corruption control policy identifies the minimum requirements and responsibilities for the governance, prevention, detection, and the response to suspected fraud and corruption within DJAG.
This policy has been developed to ensure consistency in investigating privacy complaints by relevant Officers in the Department of Justice.
The Office of Fair Trading's policy for handling claims about vehicle odometer tampering, against the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 claim fund.
This policy sets out how our employees declare any interest that conflicts (or may conflict) with the discharge of their duties.
This protocol applies to the permanent appointment of judicial officers to the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, District Court, Land Court and Magistrates Court.
The Office of Fair Trading's policy on public disclosure of information.
This policy sets out our policy and management program for disclosures under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010.
This policy applies to all documents to be published on the Department of Justice and Attorney-General’s website.
List of RBDM policies documents on the publication portal.
Supporting and managing our volunteers policy for the Justices of the Peace in the community program.
This policy aims to provide our employees with a clear understanding of the standard of behaviour required when performing their roles.
This procedure has been developed to ensure consistency in investigating privacy complaints by relevant Officers in the Department of Justice.
This procedure sets out the process for managing a minor breach received within business units of the Department of Justice.