Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
As the liquor and gambling regulator for Queensland, the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) contributes to safe and more responsible liquor and gambling environments that minimise alcohol and gambling harm, build community confidence and support industry development.
Visit the Business Queensland website for more information about liquor and gaming.
Structure of OLGR
Explore OLGR’s organisational structure.
Priorities of OLGR
Find out about the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation’s key priorities.
Laws and policies administered by OLGR
Read more about our laws and policies, including recent or proposed changes to liquor and gambling-related legislation.
OLGR reports
Read the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation's community benefit statements and regulator performance report.
Liquor and gaming statistics and research
Access licensing and gambling statistics and research.
Contact OLGR
Find the contact details of Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation business units and regional offices.