Proposed reforms to Queensland's Information privacy and right to information framework
Queensland’s Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) protects individuals’ privacy by regulating how their personal information is collected and managed by Queensland agencies. The IP Act also provides a right of access to, and amendment of, personal information held by Queensland agencies and ministers.
Queensland’s Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) provides a right of access to information held by Queensland agencies and ministers unless, on balance, it is contrary to the public interest to release the information.
A number of reports have recommended changes to the IP Act and RTI Act. These include the:
- Report on the review of the Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009 (PDF)
- reports by the Crime and Corruption Commission, including:
- Strategic review of the Office of the Information Commissioner (PDF).
From 24 June 2022 through to 22 July 2022 the Queensland Government consulted the public on proposed reforms to Queensland's Information privacy and right to information framework, with the release of the Consultation paper—Proposed changes to Queensland’s Information privacy and right to information framework. Most of the reforms being considered were recommended in the above reports.
This consultation process closed at 5pm on Friday 22 July 2022.
Your feedback will help us to decide which of the reforms to Queensland’s Information privacy and right to information framework should be progressed. Reforms being considered include whether:
- Queensland should have a mandatory data breach notification scheme
- Queensland’s 2 sets of privacy principles should be replaced with a single set of principles: the Queensland Privacy Principles.