Neighbours get easier access to dispute resolution options
Queenslanders now have greater access to options in managing and resolving neighbourhood disputes thanks to a new online information tool from the Department of Justice and Attorney-General.
The How to Resolve Neighbourhood Disputes online tool is a one-stop shop for the community to personalise their individual neighbour issue or dispute and be directed to relevant information and resolution options.
Dispute Resolution Branch executive manager Lindsay Smith said with Neighbour Day approaching on 27 March, it was a timely reminder for people to be aware of the services available when settling common neighbour grievances.
“Each year thousands of neighbours across Queensland have disputes ranging from overhanging trees and noisy dogs to retaining walls and dividing fences,” Ms Smith said.
“However often people don’t realise the different resolution options and assistance that are available to them. This is where this new online tool is invaluable.”
The How to Resolve Neighbourhood Disputes tool allowed users to select the level of their neighbourhood concern, who their concern related to and the issue that was causing their concern.
Users are then provided with a range of information about services offered by the different areas within the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, other government agencies and legal services to assist them in resolving their dispute.
Ms Smith said dispute resolution assistance ranged from legal information and advice, mediation, conciliation and adjudication of neighbours’ issues to peace and good behaviour orders from the Magistrates Court and settling of minor civil disputes in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
“Often many disputes can be resolved when neighbours are better informed of their rights and obligations under the law or where they have the assistance of an external and impartial party to help neighbours communicate better and work through their concerns.
“This interactive tool will help lead people to the information pertinent to their individual circumstance so they can manage their dispute effectively and work towards creating a harmonious relationship with their neighbour,” she said.
The How to Resolve Neighbourhood Disputes tool can be accessed at