Consultation opens on body corporate law changes for resorts and mixed use developments
Unit and townhouse owners in certain resorts and complex mixed use developments can expect more transparent decision-making processes and fairer body corporate arrangements as the Queensland Government moves to modernise the laws they operate under.
Deputy Director-General Victoria Thomson of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General said that while most community titles schemes operate under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997, some resorts and mixed use developments are governed by the Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 (BUGT Act) in conjunction with specialised planning legislation, such as the Mixed Use Development Act 1993 (MUD Act).
“As part of our ongoing property law reform agenda, we are making changes to enhance governance in bodies corporate established under the BUGT Act or MUD Act, with a strong and clear focus on improving protections and fairness for owners,” Ms Thomson said.
“The Building Units and Group Titles and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 proposes changes to the BUGT Act and MUD Act which will introduce new committee eligibility requirements, increase transparency in body corporate decision making, enhance financial management practices and better protect the interests of everyday owners.
“The Bill will also allow for increased access to information, education and dispute resolution services for proprietors.
“Many proposals in the Bill are based on existing provisions of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997. This means that owners in bodies corporate regulated by the BUGT Act or MUD Act will benefit from many of the same protections that already apply for other Queensland unit owners.”
Owners are encouraged to read the Bill or the summary and consultation overview and make a submission about the draft before 13 May 2022.