General Counsel

The General Counsel branch provides legal services to the Minister and executive management and leads and promotes legal services policy and practice across government.

The team also provides support to people applying for documents under Right to Information and Information Privacy legislation.

Find out more about our services below.

Legal Advice and Advocacy

Legal Advice and Advocacy provides in-house legal services to the Minister and the department on a wide range of matters.

Legal Services Coordination Unit

The Legal Services Coordination Unit leads and promotes the development and implementation of legal services policy and practice across government and supports Queensland Government agencies to obtain efficient outcomes from legal service providers.

Right to Information and Privacy

Right to Information and Privacy is responsible for administering the department’s obligations under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act). This includes making access decisions on applications for documents under both Acts, and applications for amendment of personal information under the IP Act, and management of privacy complaints and breaches.