ODPP Prequalified Panel of Barristers Scheme

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) represents the State of Queensland in criminal cases. The ODPP’s significant responsibility is to prosecute criminal matters in the:

  • High Court of Australia
  • Court of Appeal (Qld)
  • Supreme Court
  • Mental Health Court
  • District Court
  • Childrens Court of Queensland
  • Magistrates Court (in limited locations and matters).

On behalf of the Crown and State of Queensland, crown prosecutors appear as counsel in superior court trials and other criminal proceedings and undertake circuit work throughout Queensland as required.

The ODPP has allocated funds under the Prequalified Panel of Barristers Scheme (the scheme) to engage barristers from the private bar to undertake criminal prosecution work for the ODPP. The scheme operates in the Brisbane metropolitan area, Cairns, Maroochydore, Rockhampton, Southport, Toowoomba and Townsville.

Commencement and application and assessment process

The scheme is open for applications and information about the scheme is contained in the scheme rules.

Barristers can apply by completing and emailing the application form and documents listed in the form to LSCU@justice.qld.gov.au.

Barristers can apply for the scheme at any time with applications being assessed periodically at the discretion of the Assessment Committee, generally every 6 months. The Assessment Committee is the committee responsible for determining the membership of the panel to be formed under the scheme.

Applicants will be assessed in 3 different tiers based on their level of experience:

  • Tier 1 applicants will have been on the Roll for less than 3 years and are not required to have Magistrates Court experience.
  • Tier 2 applicants should demonstrate criminal experience in the District and Supreme Courts.
  • Tier 3 applicants are King’s/Senior Counsel who work in the criminal jurisdiction.

The Department of Justice will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application in writing. Upon acceptance the successful applicant must sign an acknowledgement of panel member’s obligations and undertaking and agree to comply with the scheme rules. Being a panel member is not a guarantee that you will receive work.

General enquiries should be directed via email to LSCU@justice.qld.gov.au.
