Legal service directions and guidelines

Model litigant principles

The model litigant principles set standards about how the State should behave when it is a party to legal proceedings. Under the principles, the State has an obligation to act as a model litigant in the conduct of all litigation.

Model inquest principles

These model inquest principles have been issued at the direction of the Premier and the Attorney-General and apply to the State and all agencies.

Significant litigation directions

The significant litigation directions help to ensure that claims and litigation significant to government are centrally considered and managed in a way that has proper regard to the public interest and whole-of-government considerations.

Tied work guidelines

The tied work guidelines outline the categories of legal services (tied work) that are required to be provided by Crown Law. The guidelines apply to departments, organisations or business units within departments and government instrumentalities that represent the Crown.

Briefing the Solicitor-General

The Solicitor-General, Gim Del Villar KC is available to provide legal advice and representation in matters of importance to the government.

Whole-of-government guidelines for responding to civil litigation involving child abuse

These guidelines set out how the State of Queensland and all agencies should respond to civil litigation against the State brought by claimants who have been abused as children, and are intended to ensure a compassionate and consistent approach by government and to make civil litigation less traumatic for victims.