Legal Services Coordination Unit
The Legal Services Coordination Unit leads and promotes the development and implementation of legal services policy and practice across government and supports Queensland Government agencies to obtain efficient outcomes from legal service providers.
Legal service directions and guidelines
The Legal Services Coordination Unit assists the Attorney-General by coordinating and monitoring the implementation of Cabinet-issued legal services directions and guidelines.
Queensland Government response to coronial recommendations
Find out about how the Queensland Government responds to coronial recommendations.
Whole-of-government policy for engaging barristers
The Whole-of-government policy for engaging barristers outlines how the Queensland Government engages and pays barristers.
Whole-of-government Legal Services Panel
The Whole-of-government Legal Services Panel is a standing offer arrangement between the State of Queensland and legal practices selected to provide legal services and/or legal resources to government departments and other entities.
Frequently asked questions
These frequently asked questions contain useful information relating specifically to the role of Queensland Government lawyers, including information about practising certificates, admissions and continuing professional development requirements.
ODPP Prequalified Panel of Barristers Scheme
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has allocated funds under the Prequalified Panel of Barristers Scheme to engage barristers from the private bar to undertake criminal prosecution work.