Celebrate International Access to Information Day with us
Our department will recognise International Access to Information Day (IAI Day) on 28 September 2021, to acknowledge the value of your right to access government-held information.
This year’s theme is ‘Open by design: government transparency everyone can see’.
We have all seen the benefits that timely access to accurate and relevant information brings, particularly during a crisis. It helps us to stay informed of the situation, provides us with ways to stay safe or help out, and empowers us to make decisions about matters affecting us.
Proactively releasing information also helps to build greater trust between government and the community and, in turn, aids faster recovery.
We know that Queensland’s economic recovery will benefit from timely access to accurate information so individuals and governments can make informed decisions. Continued government openness, transparency and accountability will be fundamental to this process.
IAI Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of every individual's right of access to government-held information; and the public sector’s responsibility to release information if it is in the public interest to do so. It is a day on which individuals and governments from around the world can support this fundamental human right and promote open, democratic societies where citizens are empowered and participate in government.
IAI Day is also a reminder of how far we have come in Queensland and the importance of the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009, which help protect the rights of Queenslanders.
We are committed to improving access to information for the community and you can find out more about our publication scheme and how to access information from us.
For further information about IAI Day, visit the Office of the Information Commissioner’s website.