Connecting people to information
On 28 September our department recognises International Access to Information Day (IAI Day), acknowledging your right to access government-held information.
The 2023 IAI Day theme is ‘Digital inclusion: Connecting people to information’.
In our increasingly digital world, digital inclusion plays a pivotal role in shaping how we can all benefit from digital technologies. This extends to using digital technologies to access government-held information or exercise information access rights.
We are committed to using technology to engage Queenslanders and provide inclusive, accessible and responsive services that meet the needs of the community.
An exciting digitisation project currently rolling out is the online civil case management system QCase, a portal that will enable the legal profession, self-represented litigants and other Magistrates Courts users to securely file, view and manage their civil matters online. QCase is also being used for Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) minor debt matters heard at Magistrates Courts and in QCAT Brisbane.
We also use a variety of methods to cater for people's preferences for engagement offline, including counter and telephone services, paper-based forms and brochures, campaigns such as the Closing the Registration Gap—Our Kids Count Program, and displays at events such as the Ekka and Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo.
IAI Day is a reminder of the importance of community access to information, helping people to feel empowered when making decisions and exercising their right to access information.
We continually strive to enhance access to information for the community—find out more about our publication scheme and how to access information from us.
For further information about IAI Day, visit the Office of the Information Commissioner’s website.