Governance framework

Our Governance framework provides the foundations of good governance in the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) and outlines our direction, control and accountability environment.

These governance arrangements are the principles, elements and mechanism used by us to support a focus on effective governance through strong leadership, responsible and ethical decision-making, management and accountability, and performance improvement.

The Director-General (DG) and the department's senior executives demonstrate the elements of good corporate governance through:

  • a well-articulated strategy and direction
  • clearly defined management structures
  • robust management standards
  • internal and external accountability measures
  • sound risk management practices.

A commitment to good corporate governance is fundamental to the achievement of the department’s Strategic plan, which is our contribution to the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.

Our corporate governance arrangements are based on the principles of best practice outlined in the Public sector governance: Better practice guide, the Australian Public Service Commission building better governance guide, and the Australian National Audit Office.

The governance framework is currently under annual review and will be available in the coming months.

Governance principles

The following governance principles underpin all the work that we do and decisions we make, and ensure that all staff operate to expected public sector values and standards:

  • leadership—achieving good governance through leadership from the top
  • accountability—being answerable for decisions and having meaningful mechanisms in place to ensure adherence to all applicable standards
  • transparency/clarity—having clear roles and responsibilities and clear procedures for making decisions, exercising power and communicating decisions
  • integrity—acting impartially, ethically and in the best interests of the public to deliver a fair, just and inclusive Queensland
  • efficiency—ensuring the best use of resources to further the aims of the department and services to the community.

These governance principles are further guided by requirements of the Public Sector Act 2022, Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 and the Code of Conduct.

Audit and Risk Management Committee

The Audit and Risk Management Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to the DG on:

  • the risk, control and compliance frameworks
  • our external accountability responsibilities as prescribed in the Financial Accountability Act 2009, the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 and other relevant legislation.

Find out more by reading the committee’s Terms of reference.

Executive Leadership Team

The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is our principal strategy-setting and decision-making authority and supports the DG as DJAG's accountable officer to ensure we implement an appropriate governance framework.

Find out more by reading the ELT's Terms of reference.

Executive Leadership Team’s sub-committees

The ELT and its special purpose sub-committees support the DG in the effective discharge of legislative accountabilities. They also provide opportunities for developing leaders to promote a performance culture and facilitate relationship building and communication.

The sub-committees that support the ELT in its strategic leadership functions monitor performance, and identify and implement business improvement opportunities in their key areas of responsibility. The committee structure establishes the overarching governance framework for our department, allowing for a strong and integrated approach to planning, performance and risk management.

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to provide oversight and advice on financial, resource and procurement strategies and performance, to ensure effective alignment of departmental budget and resources with the department’s strategic plan and government priorities.

Find out more by reading the committee's Terms of reference.

Information Technology and Innovation Committee

The purpose of the Information Technology and Innovation Committee is to monitor our ICT investment portfolio and innovation pipeline within a corporate ICT strategy approach.

The committee provides linkages to corporate governance, ensuring corporate ICT provides effective business-centric solutions.

Find out more by reading the committee's Terms of reference.

Infrastructure Committee

The purpose of the Infrastructure Committee is to oversee delivery of the department’s infrastructure, leasehold works and accommodation-related strategies, and to make strategic recommendations to the ELT for the direction for infrastructure priorities and investment.

Find out more by reading the committee's Terms of reference.

People, Culture and Safety Committee

The purpose of the People, Culture and Safety Committee is to is to provide advisory services and assurance to ELT that DJAG is meeting its people, culture and safety obligations under legislation including the Public Sector Act 2022 and the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and directives, codes of practice and policies that it is required to comply with.

Find out more by reading the committee’s Terms of reference.

More information

More information on our governance framework can be found in our Annual report.

If you can’t find the information you are looking for you may wish to make a formal application for access under the Right to Information Act 2009 or the Information Privacy Act 2009 to information held by Queensland Government departments and ministers.