Frequently requested documents
Requests for documents received in the Department of Justice are generally for the following:
Criminal history
An application for a person’s criminal history must be made by the individual concerned or their legal representative. This document is most often sought for court-related purposes.
Read more on criminal history checks.
Court records and transcripts
Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is generally open access (subject to specific court orders). Requests to access court records can be made at the registry of the court in which the proceedings were initiated. For more information on registry locations, opening hours, and eCourts online document search facilities visit the Queensland Courts website.
Magistrates Court
Court records such as complaint, order and documentary exhibits other than photos are generally available to any person on written application to the clerk of the court and payment of the prescribed fee. Contact Queensland Courts.
Auscript provides recording and transcription services for proceedings in the Supreme and District Courts, Industrial Relations Commission, Royal Commissions and various tribunals throughout Queensland. Transcripts of matters heard in a Magistrates Court are available from the court registry of the courthouse where the matter was heard.
Recording and transcription arrangements
The Recording and Transcription Services team provides a recording and transcription service for proceedings of the Supreme and District Courts, Magistrates Courts, Queensland Industrial Relations Commission, Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal and various other jurisdictions throughout Queensland.
Ordering a transcript
Parties and non-parties can place orders for audio and transcripts via the QTranscripts ordering portal. If you are unable to order online you can request a copy of the manual form by calling 1800 842 122 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4pm (excluding Queensland public holidays) or by visiting a Courthouse. For more information contact the Recording and Transcription Services team.
Queensland Court, QIRC and QCAT (staff only)
To order a transcript staff can use the QTranscripts ordering portal.
Birth, death or marriage certificates
The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages can provide copies of birth, death or marriage certificates to appropriate people (normally immediate family members) on request. You will need to prove your identity and pay the appropriate fee.
If you are applying on behalf of someone else, you will need their written authorisation and prove both your and their identities. You must provide your name and your residential and postal addresses when seeking information or advice from the registry.
Electoral roll
Any person may inspect the Queensland electoral roll free of charge by visiting the Electoral Commission Queensland (ECQ) or any regional office of the ECQ. Phone 1300 881 665 for an office closest to you.
Public Guardian investigations
The Public Guardian has a discretion to disclose information about investigations to individuals or members of the public where they are satisfied it is in the public interest to do so. For more information, or to request investigation documents under this provision, contact the Office of the Public Guardian.
Ministerial media statements
Ministers release media statements every day and these are published online on the ministerial media statements web page.
Cabinet documents
Some decisions of Cabinet are released by Government but other decisions are not made available and may be exempt under the Right to Information Act 2009. Certain Cabinet decisions are published online.
JP information
Other information requests
Members of the public also request the following information:
- Director of Public Prosecutions, prosecution files
- policy and legislation files
- Office of Fair Trading files
- Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation files
- internal recruitment, grievance and disciplinary staff files.