Justice reinvestment

In February 2023 the Queensland Government announced funding to establish community-led, place-based justice reinvestment initiatives that will address the underlying causes of youth crime and reduce Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander over-representation in our justice system.

The First Nations Justice Office (FNJO) has also partnered with the Justice Reform Office (JRO) to co-lead the justice reinvestment approach.

We are working towards the development of a justice reinvestment framework for Queensland in 2023–24 to inform justice reinvestment opportunities, including:

  • how justice reinvestment will operate
  • assessing community readiness
  • how initiatives/investments are supported beyond the allocation of initial funding
  • how initiatives are monitored and evaluated.

This is in response to recommendations 94 and 183 of Taskforce report Hear her voice—Report Two—Women and girls' experiences across the criminal justice system (Report Two).

The justice reinvestment funding also allows the FNJO to deliver licensing and identification musters around the state. For every muster, we partner with other agencies to deliver services (like Indigenous driving programs, birth registration and certification and more) to regional and urban locations.