Legal investment model
We allocate funding to legal assistance, legal profession regulation, and law library services using a legal investment model.
Our model is responsive to community needs, maximises service delivery within the available resources and promotes our close working relationships with Queensland’s legal assistance sector and the Australian Government.
Funding allocations are made in a way that best promote an integrated, efficient and effective service system that is focused on meeting the holistic needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged Queenslanders.
Our current model was implemented following a review of the allocation and administration of the investment in legal assistance, legal profession regulation, and law library services.
Collaboration on legal assistance services
One of the most valuable aspects of our model is collaboration with the legal assistance sector and the Australian Government.
In June 2020, Queensland signed the National legal assistance partnership 2020–25 (NLAP).
The NLAP aligns with our model. Both are designed to improve:
- targeting of available resources to areas of need
- coordination
- collaboration
- efficiency
- effectiveness
- accountability.
Under the NLAP, we are responsible for allocating and administering Australian Government funding for Queensland Community Legal Centres, Legal Aid Queensland and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service.
Planning our services
Under the NLAP we work together with other members of Queensland’s legal assistance system to make sure services are delivered where they are most needed and have the greatest impact. This is called collaborative service planning.
Key elements of collaborative service planning include:
- planning for legal assistance services
- developing best practice in service design
- planning for continuous improvement.
Collaborative service planning seeks to maximise the impact of Australian and Queensland governments’ investment in the legal assistance sector.
Providing evidence is a key element of collaborative service planning. In 2016 we allocated funding to Community Legal Centres Queensland (CLCQ) to develop the Updated evidence and analysis of legal need report, which was delivered in July 2016. In 2019 we allocated additional funding to CLCQ to develop an updated Evidence and analysis of legal need report, which was delivered in August 2019.
In accordance with the requirements of the NLAP, Queensland developed a legal assistance strategy and action plan.
The Queensland legal assistance strategy (the strategy) is publicly available and includes:
- estimates of the level and nature of legal need in Queensland
- identified priorities and areas of focus for the continued delivery of mainstream, specialist and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal assistance services
- specific priority client groups relevant to Queensland
- how the state will meet the objectives and outcomes of the NLAP and the approaches to ensure that legal assistance services are delivered in accordance with the National Strategic Framework for Legal Assistance.
The Queensland legal assistance action plan (the plan) reflects the strategic direction set out in the strategy and identifies activities undertaken to progress the commitments made in the strategy.
Legal Assistance Investment Committee
The Legal Assistance Investment Committee is an important part of Queensland’s legal investment model. Its role includes:
- overseeing funding allocation processes
- making recommendations to the Attorney-General for consideration and final decision
- overseeing the financial management of funding allocations.
More information about its purpose, membership and functions are set out in its Terms of reference.
Acknowledging our investment
The funding we provide for the delivery of legal assistance, legal profession regulation, and law library services should be acknowledged by organisations in their annual reports and promotional materials relating to the services, including websites.
The Queensland Government crest should be used with either of the following acknowledgements:
- ‘The Queensland Government invests funds in the delivery of frontline services for vulnerable Queenslanders.’
- ‘Our services are provided with funds invested by the Queensland Government.’
Contact us at to request an electronic copy of the Queensland Government crest.
Social services investment portal
The Social services investment portal provides information on this year’s grant and funding programs, as well as historical information on payments made from programs on a financial year basis. This portal is part of the broader program of social service reform mentioned above.
More information
- Discover the latest investment information about Queensland Government legal services or legal profession regulation services.
- The DJAG annual report summarises our financial and corporate performance. Our aim is to provide annual reports that meet the needs of our stakeholders and our accountability requirements under the Financial Accountability Act 2009.