Organisation eligibility for the GCBF
To be eligible for funding, your organisation must meet the requirements of either a legal entity or a sponsored entity and not be listed as an ineligible organisation (as determined by us).
A legal entity can apply for funding in its own right and as a sponsor for other organisations. A sponsored entity needs a legal entity to sponsor its grant application.
Eligible organisations must register on the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) online grants portal and must review and update their registration details annually to ensure they maintain eligibility.
Eligible organisations
For your organisation to be eligible, it must be a legal entity or sponsored entity.
A legal entity:
- is incorporated or registered under an Act of Parliament
- is a proprietary or public company limited by shares or trusts where the shareholders are not individuals and/or for-profit companies
- has an active ABN
- has not-for-profit objectives
- has a bank account in its name
- must provide a bank verification form stamped by its financial institution; if your financial institution is unable to complete the bank verification form, please contact us for assistance.
A sponsored entity:
- is neither incorporated nor registered under an Act of Parliament
- has not-for-profit objectives
- requires a legal entity to sponsor its application
- in some cases must be sponsored by their relevant government department (i.e. a local ambulance committee, rural fire brigade or State Emergency Service group).
We may request other documents to verify eligibility.
Parents and citizens associations (P&Cs) and parents and friends associations (P&Fs) can apply, but schools are not eligible.
Registration requirements
You must review and update your organisation's registration details each year when applying. We don't remind organisations to do this; it's your responsibility to provide up-to-date information.
We will check your organisation's registration details against the guidelines for eligibility and we may contact you for further information. If you don't provide the information we request by the due date, your organisation may be ineligible.
Most importantly, your organisation’s financial position—taken from your financial statements from within the last 2 years—must be up-to-date.
Your organisation will be ineligible for funding if you fail to update this information by the funding round’s closing date.
If the sponsored entity doesn’t maintain financial records, you must email to let us know before the closing date of the funding round.
While it won’t affect your organisation’s eligibility, it’s helpful to make sure the details for your organisation’s contact person are also up to date. If we request further information regarding your application and you don’t respond by the due date, the application will be ineligible.
Read more about registering to apply for GCBF funding.