GCBF definitions
These definitions will help you understand the terms used in the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) funding guidelines and application process.
Accountable officer
A person representing the organisation applying for funding, who has the authority to:
- agree to GCBF funding terms and conditions
- register the organisation
- complete GCBF applications
- acquit GCBF grants on behalf of the organisation.
Act of Parliament
A law that has been enacted as legislation by the federal or state parliament. For example, Parents and Citizens' (P&Cs) associations are established under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
Approval for facility improvements
Written approval from the owner of the facility (building or land) advising they approve the facility improvement if the application is successful. If the approval is provided within the lease, a copy of the lease must be given to us. If the facility is on Department of Education land, the organisation must have approval from the regional infrastructure advisor for the school. Principals are not delegated to provide such approval.
Approved application
An application the Minister has approved to receive GCBF grant funding.
The process of providing documentation (tax invoices/receipts/audit reports) as evidence of the expenditure of all grant funds against the approved funding purpose.
The evaluation of the expenditure of the grant by a qualified financial auditor.
Auditor (Qualified Financial)
- A registered company auditor.
- A qualified accountant under the ASIC Corporations (Qualified Accountant) Instrument 2016-786.
Bank account
A bank account in the name of the legal entity applying for or sponsoring an application.
Bank verification form
A form completed by an organisation's financial institute, which includes the bank account details of your organisation.
Benefit statement
A statement explaining how the grant funds have benefited the Queensland community and your organisation.
Commercial terms
Adhering to all relevant laws and regulations and your organisation’s governing documents when buying items or engaging contractors. This may include obligations and rules set by the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (if applicable) or your organisation’s constitution.
Conflict of interest
When the interests or relationships of an organisation or its members interferes with, or has the potential to interfere with, their eligibility for the grant or gives them a personal advantage or benefit over other applicants. Refer to your organisation’s constitution for how to manage any conflict of interest that may arise.
Consumable items
An item that is used up repeatedly and on an ongoing basis, for example food, drinks, stationery, postage, or petrol.
Custom and practice (for building or land)
A situation where no formal instrument of tenure exists (such as a lease), but an owner verifies that a relationship exists.
Exclusion period
The period directly after an organisation is notified that their previous grant has been acquitted and closed, when the organisation can't apply for one funding round (i.e. the next funding round). For example, your funding application was closed by us on 12 August. You can't apply in the funding round that closes 31 August. However you can apply in the round after that, which closes 31 October.
Facility improvements
Improvements to an organisation’s facilities can include:
- constructing demountable buildings, amenities blocks, playgrounds, sheds, lighting or storage facilities
- landscaping
- internal and/or external improvements
- upgrades or refurbishments
- fit-outs required to occupy and use the facilities
- installing removable items requiring fixed footings, such as goal posts or shade structures
- installing permanent fixtures including
- air conditioners
- extensions, patios or decks
- solar panels, systems or battery storage
- awnings or shade structures
- fencing
- grandstands or stadium seating.
Financial information (audited report)
Information sourced from financial statements produced according to the legal entity’s reporting requirements.
Where financial statements are not available, the most recent balance sheet or income and expenditure statement must be used for either legal entities or sponsored entities.
Funding priorities
Priorities established by the Minister and considered by the Gambling Community Benefit Committee when making funding recommendations.
Gambling Community Benefit Fund.
GCBF online grants portal
The online grants portal for:
- registering your organisation
- applying for funding
- varying your application
- acquitting your grant.
Grant writer
A person or organisation that is financially reimbursed for assisting with the end-to-end GCBF grants process (from application to acquittal) as determined by Women's Safety, and Victims and Community Support.
Grant writer associated company
A company that a grant writer is an associate of—or possesses an ownership stake in—as determined by Women's Safety, and Victims and Community Support.
Income and expenditure statement
A document that identifies all forms of income received and payments or expenditure within a given period.
Instrument of tenure
Written proof of the right to use buildings or land, which usually outlines the rules of such a right. Acceptable instruments of tenure include, but are not restricted to:
- leases or sub-leases
- management rights
- occupancy agreements
- licences.
Privately-owned buildings or land need a minimum 3-year tenure from the date you apply for funding.
Legal entity
The entity with legal responsibility for a grant, who must have legal authority to enter into an agreement.
Lessor approval
Refer to Approval for facility improvements on this page.
The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.
Natural disaster
A declared disaster listed at Disaster Assist in the last 2 years.
Either a legal entity or a sponsored entity.
Owner approval
Refer to Approval for facility improvements on this page.
Privately-owned land
Land or buildings owned by an individual or a commercial organisation.
Quality assurance
Women's Safety, and Victims and Community Support checks to ensure an organisation that has applied for or received grant funding is complying with the funding guidelines, and validates information about the grant including registration, applications, changes and acquittals.
Someone willing to testify in writing about the character or ability of a person or organisation.
Sponsored entity
An organisation that does not meet the requirements of a legal entity and requires a legal entity to sponsor their grant application.
See Instrument of tenure on this page.
Women's Safety, and Victims and Community Support
Women's Safety, and Victims and Community Support is a division of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG), also referred to in this information as ‘us’ or ‘we’.