The Forensic Disability Service (FDS) is a medium security residential and treatment facility that can accommodate and provide care for up to 10 people who are subject to a Forensic Order (Disability) under the Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld).
The FDS was established to provide services to rehabilitate and improve skills related to daily living for people with an intellectual disability who are charged with criminal offences and found to be of unsound mind or unfit for trail.
Successive Public Advocates have taken an interest in the operation of the FDS, in particular, the protection of clients’ human rights, their access to appropriate programs, and plans to transition clients out of the service.
In August 2019, the Queensland Ombudsman delivered a report to Parliament regarding the FDS, in which he identified a number of serious concerns regarding the service and its operations. This included; the length of time people are detained, the care received during detention, a lack of programs, and the use of regulated behavior controls like seclusion. Click here to read the report on the Queensland Ombudsman website (opens in new window).
The FDS is now working to address these issues and create a service that focuses on supporting clients to return to living in the community.
The Public Advocate meets with the Director of Forensic Disability on a regular basis to discuss issues of concern.