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Involuntary treatment

People with mental health issues who are subject to involuntary treatment are some of the most vulnerable members of our community. For this reason, the Public Advocate has had a continuing interest in the operation of Queensland’s mental health system, particularly the areas of the system that relate to the involuntary treatment of people with mental health issues.

The Public Advocate’s systemic advocacy in relation to involuntary mental health treatment includes:

  • Working with key stakeholders to better uphold the rights of people subject to involuntary treatment and to improve how the system operates
  • Making submissions to formal inquiries and consultations about the mental health system
  • Undertaking research and monitoring trends in the mental health system
  • Intervening in court or tribunal matters that exemplify a systemic issue.

The mental health system in Queensland is governed by the Mental Health Act 2016. Click here to read the Act (opens in new window).

Queensland’s Chief Psychiatrist is an independent statutory officer with functions, powers and responsibilities under the Mental Health Act 2016 including the ability to make policies to facilitate its proper and efficient administration. You can read more about the Chief Psychiatrist and relevant policies here (opens in new window).

Public Advocate submissions about mental health

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The Chief Psychiatrist

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Mental Health Review Tribunal

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