Follow the DFV Prevention Council's journey

Want to learn more about the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council’s activities? Read past newsletter editions below to find out more about the Prevention Council’s journey.

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  • October edition
    Learn about: becoming a domestic and family violence prevention influencer; upcoming events and initiatives for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, including the Prevention Council’s planned social media reels; Preventing Tech-based Abuse of Women grants; Little Friends Scholarship Program; registering for GIVIT donations; ‘Walk for Emily’ fundraiser; new research, reports and resources (including the Male Allyship Toolkit); funding opportunities; upcoming community events, training and webinars.
  • September edition
    Learn about: the Prevention Council’s visit to Biloela and Charters Towers; Council Member Torita Blake’s story; the Australian launch of She is Not Your Rehab’s innerBoy app; Queensland’s new affirmative consent laws and resources; new research, reports and practice resources for primary prevention; funding opportunities; upcoming conferences, training and community events.
  • August edition
    Learn about: the Prevention Council’s visit to Burdekin, Mareeba and the Cassowary Coast; Kelly Wilkinson Foundation launched; Centre for Women and Co. visit; Southern Downs Regional Council pledge signing; DFV Peak Advisory Group members; Queensland’s new coercive control and consent communication campaigns; new research, podcasts and practice resources; and current funding opportunities.
  • July edition
    Learn about: the Prevention Council’s second meeting of 2024 and its community event in Roma; engaging men and boys in ending gendered violence; Moreton Bay’s Real Men Rally; Queensland’s new strategy to strengthen responses to people using DFV; Charters Towers Regional Council’s pledge signing; meet Prevention Council member Terry Creek; new research, podcasts and practice resources; donating to DV Safe Phone; and current funding opportunities.
  • June edition
    Learn about: Online safety tips; retirement of Betty Taylor; new Tech Abuse Detection and Assessment Hub; Our Watch Award for Excellence in Reporting; new research, reports and resources; new campaign materials; and current funding opportunities.
  • May edition
    Learn about: 10 years of DFV reform in Queensland; new training resources for frontline services; Diverse Voices Queensland; effectiveness of First Nations-led healing programs; new workplace sexual harassment research and resources; what happens when you report DFV in a Queensland police station; events marking DFV Prevention month; and current funding opportunities.
  • April edition
    Learn about: Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month 2024 (theme, resources, Love ≠ Control campaign, upcoming vigils and events, and how to ‘do something’); boosts to domestic, family and sexual violence sector funding; Queensland’s new Primary prevention plan and Domestic and Family Violence Peak Body; new resources on values-based messaging in multicultural and faith-based communities, and gender diversity, sex and consent; new education program and upcoming training opportunities; and current funding opportunities.
  • March edition
    Learn about: the Coercive control legislation; Gender equality workplace resources; the new Queensland women and girls strategy; the Charter of Victims Rights; and relevant grant funding opportunities.
  • February edition
    Learn about: the Prevention Council’s first meeting of 2024 and its visit to the Southern Downs; the importance of supports for LGBTQ people; Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation’s 19 Days of Handstands campaign; release of the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education; Australia’s latest workplace gender equality data; and grant funding opportunities.
  • January edition
    Learn about: Council member Ben Bjarnesen; coercive control and concepts of consent; workplace respect; the Commonwealth Consent Policy Framework; consultation on Queensland's Putting Queensland Kids First draft plan; funding opportunities; and upcoming events and activities.