Shifting community attitudes and behaviours
We are working with the Queensland community, schools, businesses, religious and sporting organisations to drive a significant shift in community attitudes and behaviours together.
Through our collective efforts, we will embed respectful relationships and a zero tolerance approach to domestic and family violence (DFV) throughout the community so everyone—everywhere—feels safe, supported and protected.
Creating cultural change
We are progressing initiatives to challenge and change cultural attitudes and behaviours that contribute to the cycle of violence and keep DFV behind closed doors.
Current key initiatives include:
- developing and implementing the Queensland women’s strategy 2022–27
- developing and implementing the DFV prevention engagement and communication strategy 2016–26
- developing and implementing the Coercive control communication framework 2024–27
- implementing the Queensland Government response to the Women's Safety and Justice Taskforce recommendations, including
- reviewing and enhancing Respectful Relationships education in Queensland schools
- developing and implementing Queensland's plan for the primary prevention of violence against women 2024–28
- reviewing the DFV media guide
- developing and implementing Broadening the focus: Queensland's strategy to strengthen responses to people who use DFV 2024–28.
Leading the way for Queensland workplaces
DFV is a workplace issue. Workplaces can play a significant role in influencing long-term cultural change in our community.
We are leading the way for Queensland workplaces in sharing insights and resources that promote violence prevention in the workplace, support employees affected by DFV, and promote a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace culture.
Current key initiatives include creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce through the Queensland public sector’s Inclusion and diversity strategy 2021–25.