DFV services audit
The Queensland Government engaged KPMG to undertake a statewide stocktake of current investment in domestic and family violence (DFV) services across Queensland.
KPMG's Domestic and family violence services audit report responds to recommendation 71 of the Not now, not ever report.
The services audit was an ambitious undertaking due to the dispersed nature of DFV services and the complexity of the service system. KPMG's report provides a preliminary, ‘point-in-time’ assessment of expenditure on specialist DFV services and some generalist services (excluding significant generalist support services provided through areas such as health, police, child protection, education, homelessness programs and housing related services).
The report states that in 2014–15, approximately $104.8 million (from state and commonwealth governments) was provided to 122 discrete service providers across Queensland to support those affected by DFV.
The Queensland Government has used the report, along with other information, to inform consideration of investment in DFV prevention and support.
A new funding and investment model
The findings of the DFV services audit have informed the development of a new, long-term funding and investment model to guide future investment in the DFV service system, delivering on recommendations 72 and 73 in the Not now, not ever report.
The Funding and investment model will guide Queensland Government investment in DFV to reflect the best mix of services for all Queensland communities. The model supports a long-term, whole-of-government approach to investing in DFV support services.
The model considers specific service delivery issues in rural and remote communities and acts to guide investment across government to address DFV across the continuum—from prevention to recovery. It has a strong emphasis on tailoring investment to the needs of local communities including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Queensland.
The model centres around 7 investment principles, which focus on alignment with government reforms, place-based responses, breaking the cycle of disadvantage, responding to community needs, using evidence-based approaches, and continuous improvement. It also aligns with the overarching vision and seven supporting outcomes of the Domestic and family violence prevention strategy 2016–2026 and action plans.
A Queensland Government Domestic and family violence investment summary from 2015–16 to 30 June 2019 has also been prepared. The summary will be updated annually.