Queensland's plan for the primary prevention of violence against women
Queensland’s plan for the primary prevention of violence against women 2024–28 (the plan) is a 5-year plan developed by the Queensland Government to address the drivers of violence against women and prevent domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) from occurring.
The plan provides a blueprint for government—working in partnership with the broader community—to strengthen and expand efforts to prevent violence against women through the development and implementation of initiatives that target the underlying drivers of violence.
What is primary prevention?
The primary prevention of violence against women means stopping violence from occurring in the first place by identifying and addressing the underlying causes (or drivers) of violence. It involves changing the social conditions that give rise to this violence—reforming the institutions and systems that excuse, justify or promote violence, and shifting the power imbalances, social norms, structures and practices that drive and normalise it.
Primary prevention differs from early intervention and crisis responses to violence against women, which focus on stopping violence from reoccurring or escalating rather than targeting the underlying drivers of violence.
About the plan
This plan builds upon previous strategies and frameworks that include prevention initiatives to address DFSV in Queensland, and aims to strengthen the reform agenda to provide a dedicated focus on primary prevention initiatives that are designed to address the causes of violence.
The plan sets out 4 focus areas, with corresponding strategies to be developed and implemented by the Queensland Government in partnership with local governments, non-government organisations and the community:
- leadership and community awareness and capacity building
- strengthening the primary prevention workforce
- developing new partnerships and expanding into new settings
- engaging men and boys in primary prevention efforts.
This plan is informed by—and aligned with—the policy landscape at the state, national and international levels. It is an important addition to the existing Queensland Government policies that implement our commitments to preventing and addressing violence against women and achieving gender equality.
Monitoring the plan’s progress
The implementation of this plan will be supported by a dedicated primary prevention monitoring and evaluation framework which will build on the above outcomes as measures of success.
Implementation progress will be reported in the Women’s Safety and Justice Reform annual reports.
More information
For more information read the media statement from the Attorney General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.
If you have questions about the plan, you can email ConsultationWSVP@justice.qld.gov.au.