DFV prevention corporate and community organisation engagement framework

A signature action of the Third action plan (the plan) of the Domestic and family violence prevention strategy (DFV prevention strategy) is to develop a corporate and community engagement framework to strengthen community ownership of domestic and family violence (DFV) prevention and support the corporate community to effect cultural change by creating safe and aware workplaces and organisations.

The Domestic and family violence prevention corporate and community organisation engagement framework (the framework) was informed by the September 2019 DFV prevention community and corporate forum: Safe at home, work and play (the forum).

The forum brought together more than 130 Queensland businesses and community organisations to raise their understanding and awareness of the potential impacts DFV can have on a workplace and how to respond to employees, customers and other relevant stakeholders who have experienced violence. Attendees of the forum also participated in consultation workshops and the outcomes of these workshops assisted in the development of the framework.

The framework sets a high-level vision of the work to be undertaken—in partnership with Queensland Government and corporate and community organisations—to implement the shared goal to create safe and supportive workplaces and community hubs that are empowered to generate self-sustaining positive influence and impact for lasting change to end DFV in Queensland.

The objectives of the framework are to:

  1. raise awareness of the impact of DFV, how to prevent it and where to get help
  2. create safe and supportive organisations and workplaces
  3. support the work of the DFV sector through meaningful partnerships
  4. lead the community to change culture and end DFV.

Information and progress against these 4 objectives will be updated regularly on this page. This is to reflect the next stage of significant work and reforms to take place within the DFV landscape in Queensland. The actions under each objective will not only align with the framework, but will align with the Queensland Government's response to the Women's Safety and Justice Taskforce  recommendations and the Fourth action plan 2022–23 to 2025–26 of the DFV prevention strategy.

What's been achieved so far

  1. The Griffith University MATE Bystander program’s free Be there app which allows direct access to tools that empower, educate and support a bystander in assisting someone who is experiencing DFV.
  2. Ongoing partnerships with the Local Government Association of Queensland to fund a dedicated DFV prevention project officer since 2019. The dedicated project officer has provided councils with support to take action within their communities to address DFV.
  3. The Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council partnered with Challenge DV for the 2022 Darkness to Daylight event, to challenge attitudes and behaviours in young people and men, and encourage them to take a walk and learn to have open conversations about respect and set standards for acceptable behaviours.
  4. Engagement with the DFV Corporate Roundtable to bring corporate and community organisation leaders together with relevant Queensland Government representatives to encourage change, maintain momentum of DFV reforms, and share best practice and support with one another.

Take the pledge

As part of the framework we are encouraging corporate and community organisations to take the pledge to show their commitment and demonstrate how they will act to end DFV. You can also view the growing list of organisations that have pledged their commitment and find out more information on how you can be involved. Organisations that take the pledge are acknowledged on our website.


There are several resources available to assist corporate and community organisations to implement the objectives of the framework:


If you have any questions about the framework, please contact Women's Safety and Violence Prevention by emailing wsvp@justice.qld.gov.au or phoning 1800 177 577 (freecall, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm).