‘It’s not okay’

Is it ok to tell sexist jokes at work? It’s not ok, and this is one of a series of key messages promoted across the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) for a recent respectful relationships campaign.

DJAG’s ‘it’s not ok’ campaign aims to challenge employees’ unconscious biases and promote respect in the workplace.

Delivered through a series of posters and short videos, it asks a series of questions—all answered with ‘it’s not ok’—to challenge pre-conceived notions about race, ethnicity, age and sexuality, as well as gender.

‘This new campaign explores a different way of promoting the DFV message to our staff,’ said Wendy Sheather, Principal Strategic Communications Officer, DJAG.

DJAG achieved White Ribbon Accreditation in November 2017 and has outlined an ongoing commitment to promoting DFV awareness and education to employees.

‘We need to keep the conversation going,’ said Wendy.

‘‘It’s not ok’ is our way of reframing the discussion. The campaign challenges workplace sexism and gender inequality.

‘However, by also highlighting biases towards minority groups, it promotes a wider message of respect in the workplace.’

DJAG was responsible for implementing approximately 40 of the Not Now, Not Ever Taskforce Report recommendations and are committed to driving cultural change across their workplace. ‘It’s not ok’ aligns to the Report’s call for the Queensland Government to lead workplace reform, by developing and modelling workplaces that foster equality.