Mrs Jacque Lachmund
Jacque Lachmund is a mother, grandmother of 4, a survivor of DFV and has worked within the domestic violence sector for well over a decade. Jacque was the Coordinator of Chisholm Women’s Refuge, Chair of the Combined Women’s Refuge Group (CWRG), and CEO of Challenge DV.
Jacque has her own DFV consulting business and is a Co-director of Workplace Respect. Placing a strong value on equity across gender, accessibility to support services and prevention strategies to minimise harm, Jacque fosters diversity and inclusion.
As an innovative professional, Jacque is solutions-oriented and works collaboratively with workplaces to embed sustainable cultural change strategies. Jacque has extensive experience developing and facilitating workplace DFV programs for both the public sector and private organisations and is dedicated to educating and supporting businesses to make workplaces safer environments, where conversations about DFV can take place without creating further stigma, shame and fear.
Jacque has well-developed communication and rapport-building strengths and is skilled and experienced in public speaking. Jacque has been invited to speak at corporate, government and community events across Australia to increase awareness and education about DFV through the lens of a survivor. Jacque joins the Prevention Council to be part of the change and contribute to increasing awareness and understanding of DFV, primary prevention, coercive control and the role that each and every one of us plays in ending DFV through our communities and workplaces.