Mrs Lynette (Lyn) Anderson

Photo of Mrs Lynette (Lyn) Anderson.
Mrs Lynette (Lyn) Anderson

Lyn Anderson is a Gangaalu/Bitjarra woman from the Central Queensland region. She has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Helem Yumba Central Queensland Healing Centre—based in Rockhampton—since 2005. The Centre uses a range of traditional and cultural healing programs—as well as western clinical therapies—to heal and strengthen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing DFV, mental unwellness, addictions and family dysfunction.

Lyn has a career background in vocational and tertiary education, having worked for 12 years at Central Queensland University—including 6 years as Head of Department of Nulloo Yumba (Indigenous Higher Education and Student Support)—as a lecturer of Business Studies at the Central Queensland TAFE, and in community engagement at the Fitzroy Basin Elders—Natural and Cultural Heritage program.

In addition to supporting the implementation of the Queensland Government’s Fourth action plan to tackle DFV, Lyn aims to draw attention to the ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people respond to address DFV. That is, asserting that traditional ways of cultural healing can also be adapted and applied to support others to respond to and stop DFV.