DFV reform workshop a success
Court services officers from around the State attended a workshop recently to help the continued delivery of domestic and family violence (DFV) reform across the justice sector.
Day one began with an opening address by His Honour Magistrate Colin Strofield, who presided over the Southport DFV Court trial in 2015-17. He reflected on the positive change to the way DFV is viewed in our society and other positive outcomes of the Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland report.
These include the introduction of a specialist approach to DFV within Queensland Courts and high risk teams, where Magistrate Strofield acknowledged the crucial role of court services officers.
Workshops such as these are designed to ensure these officers employ best practice in assisting DFV clients and keeping them safe as they attend court. Participants were asked to provide their ‘on the ground’ knowledge and perspective, which saw some innovative and interesting ideas noted for further reform.
Queensland Police Service (QPS) representatives attended on day two to talk about the current Police Information Centre DFV data entry trial. The trial is examining and addressing standardised procedures regarding data entry and interfacing of DFV orders.
The workshop provided a unique opportunity for Queensland Courts to strengthen its relationship with QPS and provide input to the trial. Queensland Courts’ Business Reform Branch Director, Joanne Bugden, delivered an informative session about employee self-care, acknowledging the impact DFV has in our workplace. The workshop was deemed a great success with court staff from across the State reporting positive feedback regarding renewed confidence and great networking opportunities.
The Business Reform Branch will be conducting further workshops in 2019 on other priority areas.
Workshop attendees, presenters and speakers.