Queensland says: Not Now, Not Ever, Together
The Third Action Plan (PDF) strengthens the foundation of Queensland’s domestic and family violence reform efforts laid in the First Action Plan (PDF) and Second Action Plan (PDF) or (DOCX) Under the Third Action Plan, Queensland says: Not Now, Not Ever, Together.
It provides a blueprint for government and the community to work together to continue to deliver positive change over the next three years, from July 2019 to June 2022.
The Third Action Plan delivers a renewed focus for domestic and family violence prevention. The actions of the Third Action Plan seek to embed the system reforms and cultural change the Queensland Government has achieved to date, and mobilise more business and community partnerships to eliminate domestic and family violence in Queensland.
Under the Third Action Plan, the Queensland Government is:
- partnering with business and community to strengthen responses to, and prevention of, domestic and family violence
- improving equity in access to services for Queenslanders most vulnerable to, and impacted by, domestic and family violence
- enhancing integrated service responses and service sector capacity to respond effectively to those who experience domestic and family violence
- increasing economic participation of and access to safe, secure housing for women affected by domestic and family violence and their children
- evolving the Specialist Domestic and Family Violence Court model
- embedding Respectful Relationships Education in Queensland schools.
The Third Action Plan is a plan for all Queenslanders, because we know that domestic and family violence can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, culture, sexuality or circumstances.
The Queensland Government has demonstrated its commitment to tackle domestic and family violence in Queensland through the allocation of $328.9 million over six years to implement the Government’s response to the Not Now, Not Ever report.