Investment specifications
Investment specifications describe the intent of investment, the service users and identified issues, the service delivery types and associated service delivery requirements for services that we fund.
The investment specifications are to be used in conjunction with the streamlined service agreements and provide detail on specific requirements to be included in the agreements.
Domestic and family violence support services investment specification
The purpose of the Domestic and family violence support services investment specification (PDF) (or DOCX) is to describe the intent of funding, the service users and identified issues, the service types and associated service delivery requirements for services that are funded under the Domestic and family violence funding area.
A sub-set of service types is included in this investment specification where the funding has been provided by both the Queensland and Commonwealth governments through the National Affordable Housing Agreement and the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness. These services are identifiable through the ‘ST’ service type coding. The Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy has a mutual interest in these services as they contribute to the outcomes associated with the reduction of homelessness. The funding purpose for these services is twofold—they meet the requirements for both the Domestic and family violence funding and the Specialist homelessness services program logic.
This investment specification is a guide for service delivery for the Domestic and family violence funding area where all service types contribute to outcomes. The investment specification allows for flexibility, responsiveness and innovation in service delivery, enabling the right services to be delivered to the right people at the right time.
Sexual violence and women’s support services investment specification
The purpose of the Sexual violence and women’s support services investment specification (PDF) (or DOCX) is to describe the intent of funding, the service users and identified issues, the service types, and associated service delivery requirements for services that are funded under the Sexual violence and women’s support services funding area.
This investment specification is a guide for service delivery for the Sexual violence and women’s support services funding area, where all service types contribute to outcomes. The investment specification allows for flexibility, responsiveness and innovation in service delivery, enabling the right services to be delivered at the right time.
Services within the scope of the Sexual violence and women’s support services investment specification are:
- sexual violence support services—includes services we fund to deliver responses to people (and their key supports) who have been affected by sexual violence at any time in their lives
- women’s support services—includes services we fund to support the health and wellbeing needs of women promoting their social and economic participation and independence, particularly those who have been impacted by gender-based violence.
Output funding and reporting
In simple terms, an ‘output’ is goods or services delivered to someone else which generates a desired outcome.
Service providers transform resources (inputs) into services (outputs) and the impact of these outputs on individuals, groups and the community are the outcomes of the service.
Funding for output-based service provision is focused on the service provided (output) to the service user. The funding is allocated to produce the output.
The Outputs and performance measures catalogue (XLSX) (or CSV) includes outputs, counting rules and examples for reporting on outputs. It also includes outcome measures, throughputs, demographic data and other measures. Counting rules and examples for these measures are also in the catalogue.