CRASF risk assessment and safety planning tools
The Domestic and family violence common risk and safety framework (the CRASF) includes a series of risk assessment and safety planning tools to help keep victim-survivors and their children safe.
To learn more about these tools click on the headings below or view the Overview of the CRASF tools fact sheet.
Level 1 tools—Adult and child DFV routine screening
The Level 1 tools can be used by any person who may come into contact with someone who may have experienced—or be experiencing—DFV. The Adult DFV routine screening tool should be used to screen for DFV in adults, and can be used to screen for intimate partner violence risk in young people (aged 13 years and over). The Child DFV routine screening tool should be used to screen children aged under 13 years.
Level 2 tools—DFV risk assessment and safety planning
The Level 2 tools are designed for use by professionals required to assess DFV risk where some form of violence has already been identified (including through routine screening and the use of the Level 1 tools). The tools enable professionals to assess and understand the risk posed to a victim-survivor of DFV and—from this assessment—safety planning should be undertaken to manage the identified risk, including making appropriate referrals.
Level 3 tools—Multi-agency risk assessment and safety management
The Level 3 tools are to be used by coordinated multi-agency response teams—including High Risk Teams—and should only be used by people with experience working in DFV and with a strong understanding of DFV-informed practice. The tools support participating agencies in the multi-agency response to bring information together to build a more detailed view of the risk presented to a victim-survivor.