Integrated service responses

Domestic and family violence (DFV) is complex and can have wide-ranging impacts that require responses from multiple services and agencies.

Integrated service responses—just one part of the broader Integrated Service System (ISS)—bring multiple DFV service systems together to deliver high quality, consistent, cohesive and integrated responses to meet the needs of victim-survivors, their children, and persons using violence.

The DFV common risk and safety framework (the CRASF) underpins Queensland’s integrated service system model. Information sharing provisions support practitioners and others to make informed decisions about sharing information appropriately in order to assess and manage risk, and to keep victim-survivors and their children safe.

Integrated approaches require:

  • all services across the service system taking a DFV-informed approach
  • a common understanding of DFV
  • collaboration between services and sectors
  • formal and informal communication and partnerships
  • strong leadership and a strong ‘authorising environment’
  • practices, partnerships and decision-making processes that are shared by all partners.

Visit the below web pages to find out more.

DFV common risk and safety framework

The Domestic and family violence common risk and safety framework (CRASF) provides a shared understanding, language and common approach to recognising, assessing and responding to domestic and family violence.

DFV information sharing guidelines

The Domestic and family violence information sharing guidelines help practitioners and others understand and implement legislative provisions that support information sharing in domestic and family violence cases.

DFV integrated service system guide

The Domestic and family violence integrated service system guide explains what an integrated service system is, how integrated responses better support victim-survivors of domestic and family violence, and how practitioners and entities can work in an integrated way to respond to it.

DFV training and change management framework

The Domestic and family violence (DFV) training and change management framework guides the alignment of training for staff and organisations working across the DFV and justice service systems toward a consistent, evidence-based, trauma-informed and person-centred response to victim-survivors of DFV and persons who use violence.

Evaluation of the integrated service response trial

Find out more about the evaluation of the integrated service response trial.

High Risk Teams

High Risk Teams are a core component of Queensland's integrated service response approach.