DFV common risk and safety framework
The Domestic and family violence common risk and safety framework (the CRASF) is part of the Queensland Government’s commitment to a Queensland free from domestic and family violence (DFV) where people feel safe in their homes and where children can grow and develop in safe, secure environments.
It is a whole-of-system framework that guides the delivery of integrated service responses to enhance the safety of victim-survivors and their children, and to hold persons using violence to account. It articulates a shared understanding, language, and common approach to recognising, assessing and responding to DFV, and offers guidance on best-practice approaches.
In 2021 the CRASF was revised to address the Evaluation of the integrated service response and high risk teams trial 2019 and to incorporate contemporary best practice. Version 2 of the CRASF includes a new child screening tool, additional factors relating to coercive control and technology-facilitated abuse, a greater focus on children and priority population groups, improved cultural considerations, and an increased focus on the person using violence. Version 1 of the CRASF was developed by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) in 2017.
If you require information on the CRASF please send an email to DFVIntegratedServices@justice.qld.gov.au.
CRASF risk assessment and safety planning tools
Access more information on risk assessment and safety planning tools to help keep victim-survivors and their children safe.
CRASF training and resources
Access training and resources to further your understanding of the CRASF.