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Women's Safety and Violence Prevention
Expand menu: Violence prevention
Violence prevention
Queensland Government response to the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce recommendations
End domestic and family violence
Domestic and family violence prevention strategy
Expand menu: For service providers
For service providers
Expand menu: Integrated service responses
Integrated service responses
Expand menu: DFV common risk and safety framework
DFV common risk and safety framework
Expand menu: CRASF risk assessment and safety planning tools
CRASF risk assessment and safety planning tools
Level 1 tools—Adult and child DFV routine screening
Level 2 tools—DFV risk assessment and safety planning
Level 3 tools—Multi-agency risk assessment and safety management
CRASF training and resources
DFV information sharing guidelines
DFV integrated service system guide
Domestic and family violence training
DFV training and change management framework
Evaluation of the integrated service response trial
High Risk Teams
Access translating and interpreting services
Brokerage and emergency crisis payment arrangements
Domestic and family violence services regulatory framework
Domestic and family violence self-funded refuges
Expand menu: Funding and investment
Funding and investment
Human Services Quality Framework
Investment specifications
Perpetrator intervention services requirements
Practice principles, standards and guidance
Suicide prevention framework for working with people impacted by domestic and family violence
WorkUP Queensland
Domestic, family and sexual violence sector newsletter
Expand menu: Sexual violence prevention
Sexual violence prevention
Expand menu: Sexual violence prevention framework
Sexual violence prevention framework
Sexual violence prevention consultation
The evidence base
Current initiatives addressing sexual violence
Interagency guidelines for responding to sexual assault or child sexual abuse
Review of consent in rape and sexual assault
Youth sexual violence
Sexual violence statistics
Expand menu: Not now, not ever. Together
Not now, not ever. Together
Expand menu: Corporates
Take the pledge
Expand menu: Who has taken the pledge
Who has taken the pledge
Pledge actions
What you can do
What others have done
Expand menu: Community
What you can do
What others have done
DFV Prevention Honour Roll
Get support
Women's Safety and Violence Prevention community events calendar