DFV Rent Assist Brokerage Grants

The purpose of the Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Rent Assist Brokerage Grants (the grant program) is to provide financial resources to specialist DFV support services to assist victim-survivors with complex needs to secure and maintain housing.

The Domestic and family violence prevention strategy 2016–2026 (the strategy) sets the direction for collaborative action to end DFV in Queensland, encouraging partnerships between the government, community and business. The strategy also continues to build on the effective work already being undertaken by the specialist DFV support sector to address DFV.

Under the Fourth action plan of the strategy, the Queensland Government has committed to enhanced integrated support for the complex and diverse needs of women experiencing DFV who are also experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Under the National Partnership Agreement for Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Responses 2021–27 funding of over $2.5m has been allocated for distribution across the integrated service system to respond to this need.

Funding available

The funding available under the grant program is one-off funding only.

A total allocation of $2,550,000 (ex GST) will be made available through this grant round. Successful applicants will be allocated up to $50,000 (excluding GST) per organisation.

The targeted use of these funds can help support people experiencing DFV who are at risk of homelessness to access or maintain independent accommodation by addressing the issues that put them at risk of homelessness or prevent them from accessing accommodation.

Grant funding is to be used in such a way as to be responsive, flexible and tailored to clients’ needs. In some cases the payment of rent, rent arrears, rental bonds, or water bills may be sufficient to meet a client’s immediate housing needs. The funds may also be used purchase white goods or pay to have damage repaired.

Successful applicants may be offered full or partial grant funding.


To be eligible for this grant, applicants must:

  • be an incorporated, not-for-profit, community sector organisation—as defined by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC), and
  • be based in Queensland, and
  • have no outstanding financial accountability, service delivery or performance issues for funding provided by the Queensland Government, and
  • be an authorised representative of the eligible organisation who can submit a grant application using the SmartyGrants system—all correspondence from the department will be with the authorised representative of the eligible organisation.

How to apply

Applications closed at 4pm on Thursday 16 November 2023.

Successful applicants

On 30 May 2024 the successful applicants (PDF) (or DOCX) were announced.

Successful applicants are required to enter into a short-form service agreement with our department prior to grant funds being released to comply with the Community Services Act 2007.

The deadline to spend allocated funding will be June 2026.

Following expenditure of the grant funds, successful applicants will be required to complete an activity report outlining how the funding was used. Reporting is to be completed by July 2026.


If you have a query about the grant program you can email wsvp@justice.qld.gov.au, however our officers are unable to provide advice on the merits of individual applications.