Women's Safety and Justice Reform annual reports
The Reform annual reports provide updates on the progress being made to deliver the Queensland Government response to the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce (the Taskforce) recommendations and A Call for Change: Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service Responses to domestic and family violence report.
Women's Safety and Justice Reform annual report 2023–24
Read the second Women’s Safety and Justice Reform annual report 2023–24 to discover progress made on delivering the government response to the Taskforce recommendations in the second year of implementation.
Since the first annual report, the Queensland Government continues to make strong progress in implementing the government response, staging implementation in phases as recommended by the Taskforce.
As at May 2024, 72 out of a total of 277 recommendations have now been delivered with 195 underway and 10 not yet commenced.
In the past year crucial reforms were delivered which will help boost the system’s ability to respond to victim-survivors and hold people using violence to account for their behaviour. These include:
- passing legislation to create a standalone offence for coercive control
- strengthening consent laws
- improving the experiences of victim-survivors in court
- releasing Queensland’s plan for the primary prevention of violence against women 2024–28
- appointing an interim Victims’ Commissioner
- introducing legislation to establish a permanent Victims’ Commissioner and the Sexual Violence Review Board.
Progress on Report One recommendations
As at May 2024, 36 recommendations have been delivered, with work commenced on 51 out of 53 of the remaining recommendations.
Progress on Report Two recommendations
As at May 2024, 36 recommendations have been delivered, with work commenced on 144 recommendations, with 8 scheduled to commence at a later phase of implementation.
Women’s Safety and Justice Reform annual report 2022–23
Read the Women’s Safety and Justice Reform annual report 2022–23 to discover progress made on delivering the government response to the Taskforce recommendations in the fist year of implementation.
Commission of Inquiry annual report 2022–23
The first annual report Domestic and family violence reform: a pathway forward for change outlines the implementation progress of recommendations in the first year.
As at 30 November 2023, 21 recommendations had been delivered, with a further 50 commenced and 7 yet to commence.
Find out more about the QPS reform activities in response to DFV and sexual violence on the QPS website.